
  • 网络Universal Service Fund;usf
  1. 财政补贴、分片包干和普遍服务基金是三种选择。

    Financial subsidies , area divided and universal service fund are three options .

  2. 论电信普遍服务基金的管理机制

    The administration of telecom universal service fund

  3. 建立普遍服务基金已成为中国电信业界达成的一致共识。

    China 's telecom industry has reached a consensus on the establishment of Universal Service Fund .

  4. 本文从建立独立监管机构、设立普遍服务基金等方面探讨完善我国电信服务监管的有效途径。

    This paper discussed the sufficient path in establishing independent supervision institute and setting up universal service fund .

  5. 运用博弈论中不完全信息静态博弈理论,对电信普遍服务基金分配机制进行了研究。

    Using the incomplete information static game theory , the telecom universal service fund allocation mechanism was studied .

  6. 无论是交叉补贴机制还是普遍服务基金方式,都是本着实现公民的通信自由和争取社会福利最大化为目标的。

    Both the ways of cross-subsidization and universal service fund are tryed for achieving telecommunication freedom of citizen and maximizing social welfare .

  7. 随着我国电信业竞争格局的逐步形成,建立普遍服务基金势在必行,以保障对广大农村地区的投入,促进农村电信通信的发展。

    Under the severe competition in Chinese telecommunication market , universal service fund is much needed to increase the investment so as to promote rural telecommunication development .

  8. 建议建立普遍服务基金,建设农村综合信息传播网,采取无线和卫星等技术,促进农村通信的快速发展。

    It is advisable to build universal service funds , set up rural integrated informa-tion transmission networks , and adopt wireless and satellite technologies to boost the rapid development of rural communications .

  9. 依照公平与透明的原则向所有运营商收取普遍服务基金,以竞争缔约的方式提供普遍服务是值得我国规制机构借鉴的路径。

    Abide by the principle of fair and transparency , collect universal service funds from all operators , provide such service by way of concluding a treaty through competition is the suggested way .

  10. 在普遍服务基金的运行管理方面,提出建立普遍服务基金的集中收付制度,将基金的筹集、分配、使用等资金的流向融入财政资金的管理。

    In the operation of the universal service fund management , we proposed the establishment of universal service fund collection and payment system integrated with fund raising , distribution , use of management of financial resources .

  11. 根据农村通信市场的四个发展趋势,政府应加强行政监督,并应尽快建立以电信普遍服务基金为核心的补偿机制,保障村通工程的顺利推进。

    To accelerate the project , the government should strengthen administrative supervision considering the four tendencies in the rural Communication markets , as well as establish compensation mechanism mainly in the form of telecom universal service fund .

  12. 本文分析了交叉补贴、财政补贴和普遍服务基金这三种阶段性普遍服务机制,研究了其构成、特征及适用基础,为中国垄断性产业管制改革后的普遍服务机制构建提供理论依据。

    This paper analysis the cross-subsidies , universal service fund subsidies and universal service mechanism , studying its composition , characteristics and application of foundation , which provides a theoretical basis for the control of monopoly industries ' in building China after the reform and universal service mechanism .

  13. 本文提出在垄断性产业推行普遍服务基金机制,完善普遍服务的法律体系,建立普遍服务的政策机构、普遍服务基金的管理机构等层次、职能分明又相互协调的机构体系。

    This article propose the implementation of the monopoly industries universal service fund mechanism , improvement of the legal system of universal service , the establishment of universal service policy institutions , universal service fund management institutions and other levels and functions of the body clearly and mutually coordinate system .

  14. 第三倡导构建公平的电信普遍服务机制,建议选择电信普遍服务基金作为我国电信普遍服务的补偿形式,探讨此制度与中国电信市场的契合性;

    Establish justice universal service system : Universal Service Fund .

  15. 吸取国外普遍服务的经验,建立与市场机制相适应的普遍服务基金机制是垄断性产业改革的方向。

    Learning from foreign experience in universal service , establishing a market mechanism to adapt to the universal service fund mechanism is the direction of the reform of monopoly industries .

  16. 本文在对电信普遍服务进行经济学分析的基础上,讨论了不同竞争条件下普遍服务基金的技术有效性。

    Based on the economic analysis of universal telecommunication service , the technical effectiveness of the common service funds is explored .

  17. 目前,各国普遍采用三大政策来解决普遍服务问题,即设置条件、普遍服务基金和隐性补助。

    Today , most governments employ three policies to provide universal service , e.g. setting conditions , universal service fund and hidden subsidy .

  18. 结合我国电力普遍服务的实际,分析了财务和管理资源交叉补贴的弊端以及建立普遍服务基金的所面临的问题。

    Based on the practice of the electric universal service , we revealed the abuse of cross-subsidy in both finance and management resource .

  19. 通过比较印度和中国的电信普遍服务可知,我国应充分借鉴印度的经验,通过电信普遍服务立法、开放电信市场准入、建立普遍服务基金等方式来建立普遍服务市场竞争发展模式。

    With the comparision between India and China , to establish the competitive mode of telecommunication universal service in China , we should consummate the regulative law , opening the telecommunication market , establish telecommunication universal service fund and so on .