
  • 网络ordinary chondrite
  1. 南极GRV98002(L5)和GRV98004(H5)普通球粒陨石的热变质作用

    Thermal metamorphism of GRV 98002 ( l5 ) and grv98004 ( h5 ) ordinary chondrites

  2. 在最后50Ma中,普通球粒陨石母体的轨道经历了从1.0AU到0.9AU的演化。

    The results suggest that the meteoroid orbits of ordinary chondrites evolved from perihelion of 1.0 AU to 0.9 AU over the last 50 million years .

  3. 因此,TL灵敏度的测定已用作3型普通球粒陨石,CO、CV球粒陨石和钙长辉长无球粒陨石新的分类方法。

    The measurement of TL sensitivity has produced new means of classification for 3 type of ordinary chondrites , CO , CV chondrites and eucrites .

  4. 变质作用通过原始火成玻璃的脱玻作用产生长石,使普通球粒陨石的TL灵敏度增加达105倍。

    Metamorphism generates feldspar through the devitrification of primary igneous glass and causes TL sensitivity to increase by a factor of ~ 10 5 in ordinary chondrites .

  5. 普通球粒陨石中的CAI均发生了强烈的蚀变,黄长石被细粒蚀变产物集合体所替代。(3)不同球粒陨石群中富Ca、Al包体的对比研究。

    All CAIs in the ordinary chondrites are heavily altered , mainly consisting of fine-grained alteration assemblages without melilite . ( 3 ) The comparative study of Ca - , Al-rich inclusions from various groups of chondrites .

  6. 我国普通球粒陨石岩石学、化学组成及分类的研究

    Petrology and chemistry of ordinary chondrites from China and their classification

  7. 南极格罗夫山陨石岩石学特征Ⅱ:平衡型普通球粒陨石

    PETROLOGY OF GROVE MOUNTAINS METEORITES II : equilibrated ordinary chondrites

  8. 南极格罗夫山普通球粒陨石的岩石学和矿物学特征及分类

    Petrology-Mineralogy and Classification of Eleven Ordinary Chondrites from the Grove Mountains in Antarctica

  9. 我国某些普通球粒陨石金属相的元素分布

    The Distribution of Elements in the Metal Phase of Some Chinese Ordinary Chondrites

  10. 南极格罗夫山23个普通球粒陨石的化学群及岩石类型

    Chemical groups and petrologic types of 23 ordinary chondrites from Grove mountains , Antarctica

  11. 我国九个普通球粒陨石的岩石学研究

    Petrology of nine ordinary chondrites from China

  12. 用热释光和稀有气体方法研究我国若干普通球粒陨石的热历史

    A study on thermal history of some Chinese ordinary chondrites by TL and noble gases method

  13. 普通球粒陨石和碳质球粒陨石中的亲石元素在顽火辉石球粒陨石内显示亲铜或亲铁的性质。

    The lithophile elements in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrite groups may display either chalcophile or siderophile nature in enstatite chondrites .

  14. 而对普通陨石和碳质球粒陨石也都是如此。

    This , too , is the case for the ordinary-and carbonaceous-chondrite groups .