
  • 网络Puget Sound;GB-PS
  1. 舒尔茨当时坐在俯瞰普吉特海湾(PugetSound)的星巴克总部的办公桌旁,几乎没有时间整理头绪,因为白宫方面在两分钟前才安排好这次通话。

    Seated at his desk at Starbucks headquarters overlooking Puget Sound , Schultz barely had time to collect his thoughts ; the White House had set up the call two minutes in advance .

  2. 普吉特海湾大学(UniversityofPugetSound)心理学教授萨拉椠尔(SarahMoore)研究了美国工作条件下滑的现象。他表示,由于企业裁员,工作量增加,员工现在必须一个人完成以前两个或更多同事的工作。

    Sarah Moore , professor of psychology at the University of Puget Sound , who has studied the decline in working conditions in the US , says that workloads have grown because businesses have downsized so that employees now have to do the work that used to be done by two or more co-workers .

  3. 七头逆戟鲸在普吉特海湾失踪。据推测,它们已经死亡。跟踪调查则这一濒危物种的科学家说,这是该海域近10年来发生的最大规模的逆戟鲸死亡事件。

    Seven Puget Sound killer whales are missing and presumed dead in what could be the biggest decline among the sound 's orcas in nearly a decade , say scientists who carefully track the endangered animals .

  4. 在过去的16年里,尼克·费伊一直住在华盛顿州普吉特海湾北面圣胡安群岛中的一个小岛上,终日陪伴他的只有一匹26岁高龄的夸特马。

    For the last 16 years , Nick Fahey has been living on an island in the San Juan 1 ) archipelago north of 2 ) Puget Sound , in Washington State , where his only full-time companion is a 26-year-old3 ) quarter horse .