
  • 网络Limnology;Lake sciences
  1. 有众多国际湖泊学权威在内的10个国家的163名专家出席会议。

    One hundred and sixty three experts of ten countries , including many authorities in international limnology , have attended this meeting .

  2. 阳澄湖近代沉积物的古湖泊学研究

    Paleolimnology of recent sediments in Yangcheng Lake

  3. 湖泊学研究淡水,尤指湖泊和海洋的生命和现象的科学研究。

    The scientific study of the life and phenomena of fresh water , especially lakes and ponds .

  4. 湿地科学起源于湖泊学和沼泽学,湿地研究最早可以追溯到17世纪。

    Wetlands Science come of lakes and marshes school , It can be traced back to the earliest 17th century .

  5. 但是为了将有壳变形虫用于我国古湖泊学研究,需要对其现代分布进行定量的研究。

    For their use in paleolimnological studies in China , however , quantitative investigations into the modern distribution of thecamoebians are required .