
  • 网络Longde County
  1. 但细辨史料,考镜源流,正确的结论应该是:德顺军址先在宁夏隆德县,后迁甘肃静宁县。

    The paper holds that Deshunjun was first in Longde County , Ningxia , then moved to Jingning , Gansu .

  2. 降水是隆德县水资源的主要补给来源,降水资源评价在区域水资源评价工作中占有至关重要的地位。

    Precipitation is the major source of the water resource in Longde County and the evaluation job of precipitation takes an important role in the water resources evaluation work .

  3. 隆德县的水资源利用主要为地表水资源,地下水的埋深比较大,所以地下水资源的开采程度比较低。

    Its groundwater depth is relatively large , so it has the relatively low level of exploitation of groundwater resources .

  4. 2005年在宁夏隆德县对从中国农科院等育种单位引进的9个冬小麦新品种进行了引种筛选试验。

    Screening Test was conducted in Longde County , Ningxia Region , on nine ( 9 ) new winter wheat varieties introduced from China Agricultural Academy , etc , in2004 and2005 .