
fǎ zi
  • way;method;means
法子 [fǎ zǐ]
  • [method;way] 办法

  • 没法子

法子[fǎ zi]
  1. 为了想法子增加家庭收入,她开始制作洋娃娃。

    While searching for a way to augment the family income , she began making dolls .

  2. 我们得想个法子解决这个问题。

    We 'll have to think of a way to solve the problem . ; We must find a way out .

  3. 我们正在想法子,好坐上同一个航班。

    We 're trying to swing it so that we can travel on the same flight .

  4. 我们只得等等看,眼下没有法子。

    We 'll just have to wait and see ─ there 's nothing we can do at the moment .

  5. 他不知用的什么法子将皮卡德逼出了房间。

    He somehow managed to winkle Picard out of his room

  6. 他们首先得想个法子把财宝取出来。

    They would first have to work out some scheme for getting the treasure out

  7. 马克斯总有法子把她哄顺了。

    Max could always get round her .

  8. 我们有什么法子能消除她的抑郁呢?

    What can we do to chase her gloom away ?

  9. 这法子真损。

    That 's a mean trick .

  10. 他动了半天脑筋,也没想出个法子。

    He racked his brains for a long time but couldn 't come up with a solution .

  11. 他们甚至趴在地上仔细观察,想不出法子来。

    They even put their noses to the ground and scratched their heads .

  12. 这时我姐姐说:“当然,我们的生活没法子不艰难,因为我们家孩子太多了。妈妈,您为什么要生这么多的孩子呢?”

    Mom , why did you have so many children ? "

  13. 预处理子空间迭代法子空间迭代法的两种Rayleigh商加速技术

    Research on the Two Acceleration Techniques of Rayleigh Quotient for Subspace Iteration Method

  14. 你有什么好的减肥法子能起到显著效果“吃照吃学会PS

    Can you recommend something that Will give me noticeable result . " Eat the same and learn Photoshop .

  15. Harold,你最应该清楚,剥掉猫皮的法子多着呢。(英文俗语,指做成一件事有许多种方法)

    Harold , you of all people should know there 's more than one way to skin a cat .

  16. 在此前的3月份,FDA还曾针对这些药物经由过程一个称为黑匣子的最峻厉的警告作为且则法子。

    The agency had first slapped a so-called black box warning , the toughest kind , on the drugs in March as an interim measure .

  17. 明年中国将活着界领域内倡议对甲型H1N1流感的风行病学查询拜访,以便能够为往后的防控法子供应更多的科学数据。

    China will launch a nationwide epidemiological investigation of A / H1N1 influenza next year in a bid to provide more scientific data for further prevention and control measures .

  18. 20岁的T.J.Evarts是一名发明家,想出了一个很容易让发短信的司机注意到的新奇法子。

    T. J. Evarts , a 20-year-old inventor , has come up with a novel solution that could easily put texting drivers on notice .

  19. 其技术关键是DMO叠加代替常规共中心点叠加、叠前部分偏移加上叠后偏移代替叠前偏移、精细静校正与两步法子波反褶积、叠后高频补偿。

    The main technology is using DMO stack to replace conventional CMP stack , using partial migration before stack with migration after stack to replace migration before stack , using accurate statics and two step deconvolution , and using high frequency compensation after stack .

  20. 本文叙述了嵌入式可选有效数字位敷高精度DK&BASIC解释系统(简称DKB系统)中的加减法子程序工作原理。

    This paper is due to describe the principle how to realize the addition and subtraction sub - program for mountable mode and multiple precision DK & BASIC interpretive system which has many selectable significant digits .

  21. 你没法子阻挡我去实行我已经决定了的事。

    You cannot hinder me doing what I 'm resolved on .

  22. 那我大概没法子开单子赊帐了吧?

    So I don 't suppose I could start a tab ?

  23. 黄师父:好的。我们会想法子的。(陈王青)

    Master Huang : Ok . We 'll figure a way .

  24. 她总是想着法子惹他发火

    She 's always trying something new to make him crazy .

  25. 没有法子说话,当然也没有法子回答。

    But it was impossible to speak , impossible to reply .

  26. 高阶累积量全局混合法子波估计及外推

    Hybrid Global Algorithm Wavelet Estimation and Extraction Via Higher Order Cumulants

  27. 不要着急,他们没法子证明他有罪!

    Don 't fret , they can 't prove him guilty !

  28. 我们得想法子把我们的人都弄出去

    We need to make a plan to get our men out

  29. 你用什么法子来消除持续不散的臭味?

    How do you get rid of a persistent nasty smell ?

  30. 哈里,你能想想法子?

    Harry , harry , harry , can you possibly imagine ?