
  • 网络emergency law
  1. 我国急需制定《紧急状态法》,以规范政府权力的行使。

    China is in urgent need to develop " emergency law " .

  2. 论紧急状态法的定位及性质

    On the Status and Nature of Emergency Law

  3. 紧急状态法涵盖曼谷及周边省份。

    The state of emergency covers Bangkok and surrounding provinces .

  4. 二是制定统一的紧急状态法。

    The second is establishing uniform emergency state law .

  5. 他说紧急状态法将在一周内被彻底废除,并保证继续推出改革方案。

    He says emergency laws will be abolished within a week and pledges further reforms .

  6. 俄罗斯联邦紧急状态法研究

    Studies on Russia 's Emergency Measures Act

  7. 紧急状态法的废除。

    The abrogation of emergency laws .

  8. 《紧急状态法》立法研究

    Law-making Study on Emergency Law

  9. 军方首脑表示,被调来执行紧急状态法的部队将保持国家目前的状态。

    The army chief says that troops called in to enforce the state of emergency want to keep it that way .

  10. 沙班还表示,政府将成立一个委员会,以考虑如何提高生活水平,并废止紧急状态法。

    MS Shaaban has also said that a committee will be formed to consider raising living standards and scrapping the emergency law .

  11. 但他一直在一个很不受欢迎的紧急状态法,限制了自由的广泛权力,埃及警方逮捕。

    But he kept Egypt under a deeply unpopular emergency law that restricted freedoms and gave the police wide powers of arrest .

  12. 虽然法庭下令他们离开,泰国政府还实施了紧急状态法,禁止多人集会,但是抗议者依然留在政府办公区内。

    They remain there , despite court orders to leave and the imposition of a state of emergency , which bans large gatherings .

  13. 从2011年初至今,已经有近1.2万名活动人士面临军事审判,而广受抨击的《紧急状态法》仍然没有完全解除,这一切都令埃及人十分愤怒。

    Egyptians are furious that almost 12,000 activists from early 2011 face military trial and that the much despised emergency law has not been rescinded .

  14. 《紧急状态法》的立法动议已呼吁多年,但始终未提上立法日程。

    The legislative suggestion about " Emergency Law " has made for many years , but it has not yet come into the agenda of law-making .

  15. 本文的作者草拟了《紧急状态法》的整体框架,并对紧急状态立法草案进行了可行性、对策性、应用性的实证分析和研究。

    The authors of the essay have drafted the whole structure of " the law of emergent state " and studied its feasibility , countermeasures and application .

  16. 在我国《突发事件应急法》或《紧急状态法》即将出台之际,我们首要的工作是对现有法律规范进行清理,完善公共应急法制中的某些具体制度。

    The chief task is that the public emergency legality need to be perfected , forms an important part of the legal system in a constitutional county .

  17. 叙利亚政府批准废除实施了几十年之久的紧急状态法——满足了反政府抗议者的关键要求。但是当局还警告民众不要再举行示威活动。

    Syria Lifts Emergency Law But Warns Against More Protests Syria 's government has approved an end to decades-old emergency laws - meeting a key demand of anti-government protesters . But authorities also are

  18. 但是双方的主要顾问都反对在紧急状态法施加于去年1月11日的情况下允许使用政党标语。

    But both the chief advisor and the army chief declined to give them permission to use the party banner as political activities were banned under the state of emergency imposed on last Jan.11 .

  19. 此前,军事,试图安抚发出另一个公报的人群中,它说,它准备解除埃及的紧急状态法“只要条件允许。”

    Earlier , the military , sought to appease the crowds by issuing another communique in which it said it was ready to lift Egypt 's emergency law " as soon as conditions allow . "

  20. 第四章通过介绍、分析其他国家立法及国际公约中对公民基本权利的保障,由此为我国制定紧急状态法中保障公民基本权利提供借鉴。

    In fourth chapter , the legislation of protection of the fundamental rights of citizen in the other countries and the international conventions were introduced and analyzed to provide a reference to protect the fundamental civil rights during legislating State of Emergency Act in China .

  21. 戒严法、公共卫生应急法等单行的紧急状态专门法;

    Specific laws , such as martial law , law concerning public health etc. ;

  22. 我们应完善突发事件和紧急状态处置法,用合法性去整合现实正当性,用现代法治精神和原则来指导和规范行政紧急权力。

    We should perfect the emergency law , make practical needs conform to legitimacy and direct or standardize administrative emergency powers by modern spirit and principle of the rule of law .

  23. 民生至贵:紧急状态下的行政法视角

    On People 's Livelihood : Under View Of Administrative Law In State Of Emergency

  24. 紧急状态入宪之后,紧急状态法的立法研究工作随即启动。

    After emergency-related affairs are included in the constitution , legislative studies of the emergency law are on the way .

  25. 为了缓解危机的冲击,阿根廷政府宣布全国进入紧急状态,国会颁布《公共紧急状态法》。

    In order to alleviate the effect of the crisis , the government announced that Argentina was in a state of emergency , the parliament promulgated the law of emergency .