  • taut;tight;fast;firm
  • tighten
  • 密切合拢,与“松”相对:拧~。捆~。

  • 靠得极近:~邻。

  • 使紧:把琴弦~~。

  • 事情密切接连着,时间急促没有空隙:~凑。~密。~缩。加~。抓~。

  • 形势严重,关系重要:~急。~促。~迫。~要。

  • 不宽裕:~俏。~缺。


(物体受到几方面的拉力或压力以后呈现的紧张状态) taut; tight:

  • 把绳子拉紧

    pull the rope taut;

  • 弓弦绷得很紧。

    The bowstring is stretched taut.


(物体受外力作用变得固定或牢固) fast; firm:

  • 把螺丝拧紧

    tighten the screw;

  • 把门关紧

    make the door fast;

  • 紧握手中枪

    hold one's gun with a firm grip


(事物之间非常接近; 空隙极小) close; tight:

  • 那两家铺子紧挨着。

    The two shops are next to each other.

  • 全国人民团结紧。

    The whole nation is closely united.

  • 日程安排得很紧。

    The programme is packed.

  • 他住在我的紧隔壁。

    He lives right next door to me.

  • 这抽屉太紧了, 我打不开。

    The drawer is so tight that I can't open it.

  • 这双鞋我穿太紧了。

    These shoes are too tight for me.


(动作先后密切接连; 事情急迫) urgent; pressing; tense:

  • 风刮得很紧。

    The wind blows hard.

  • 风声紧。

    Things are tense.

  • 枪声越来越紧。

    The firing got heavier and heavier.

  • 任务紧。

    The task is urgent.

  • 时间很紧。

    Time is pressing.

  • 一个胜利紧接着一个胜利。

    One victory followed another in quick succession.


(严格) strict; stringent:

  • 管得紧

    exercise strict control; be strict with


(经济不宽裕; 拮据) hard up; short of money:

  • 手头紧

    be short of money; be hard up;

  • 银根紧。

    Money is tight.


(使紧) tighten:

  • 紧螺母

    tighten the nut;

  • 紧一紧背包带

    tighten the knapsack straps

  1. 弓弦绷得很紧。

    The bowstring is stretched taut .

  2. 为了抑制柔性张紧拉索、小垂度拉索和刚性拉索的振动,本文应用模态降阶理论和Lagrange方程建立了拉索振动的轴向主动单模态和多模态控制模型。

    In order to control the vibration of flexible taut cables , small-sag cables and rigid cables , single modal and multi-modal models of axial active control are established through modal reduction theory and Lagrange equation .

  3. 衣领特别紧,把她脖子磨痛了。

    The collar was far too tight and chafed her neck .

  4. 这个月我恐怕手头有点紧。

    I 'm afraid I 'm a little short this month .

  5. 我很害怕,感到喉咙发紧。

    I could feel a knot of fear in my throat .

  6. 他的拳头慢慢地捏紧,直捏得指关节都发白了。

    His fists clenched slowly until his knuckles were white .

  7. 他抓得不那么紧了,她顺势挣脱开来。

    His grip slackened and she pulled away from him .

  8. 这双鞋略有点紧。

    These shoes are a little on the tight side .

  9. 窗户紧,她开不了。

    The windows were stiff and she couldn 't get them open .

  10. 我站在那里,紧攥着门把手。

    I stood there , clasping the door handle .

  11. 我们的工期很紧。

    We 're working to a very tight deadline .

  12. 大花园紧临着一条小溪。

    The large garden is bordered by a stream .

  13. 他把热水袋紧捂在胸口。

    He hugged the hot-water bottle to his chest .

  14. 那个箱子是用生锈的铁丝捆紧的。

    The box was fastened with a rusty wire .

  15. 她双腿紧蹬,奔向终点线。

    She sprinted for the line , legs pumping .

  16. 这鞋有点儿紧。

    These shoes are a little bit too tight .

  17. 他皱紧眉头。

    His forehead was bunched in a frown .

  18. 我们的工作安排得很紧。

    We 're working to a tight schedule .

  19. 我听说他手很紧。

    I 've heard he doesn 't like putting his hand in his pocket .

  20. 箱子塞得很紧,不过我们最终还是把所有东西都装进去了。

    It was a tight squeeze but we finally got everything into the case .

  21. 她喉咙发紧,使劲地咽了一下唾沫。

    Her throat constricted and she swallowed hard .

  22. 她抓他的手臂抓得更紧了。

    She tightened her grip on his arm .

  23. 腰围可松可紧适合任何尺码。

    The waist expands to fit all sizes .

  24. 这条裤子有点紧。

    These trousers are a bit tight .

  25. 他愤怒地攥紧了拳头。

    He clenched his fists in anger .

  26. 我们的预算很紧。

    We have a very tight budget .

  27. 她感到喉咙发干发紧。

    Her throat felt dry and constricted .

  28. 这鞋有点儿紧。

    These shoes are a bit tight .

  29. 他用披风把身子裹紧。

    He gathered his cloak around him .

  30. 我们紧挨着坐在一起。

    We sat next to each other .