
jǐn zhānɡ zhuànɡ tài
  • tension;tense state;on the stretch
  1. 种族间紧张状态的升级是对我们社会的一种威胁。

    The increase in racial tension constitutes a threat to our society .

  2. 这座城市处于紧张状态,大有一触即发之势。

    Tension in the city is rapidly reaching flashpoint .

  3. 目前,与邻国的关系正处于紧张状态。

    Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present .

  4. 种族间的紧张状态已达到一触即发的程度。

    Racial tension has reached boiling point .

  5. 与此同时,整个太空旅游业将处于紧张状态。

    In the meantime , the entire space tourism industry will be on tenterhooks .

  6. 自从本月早些时候韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)登上韩日争议岛屿以来,两国关系便一直处于紧张状态。

    Relations with South Korea have been strained since President Lee Myung-bak visited the islands between the two countries earlier this month .

  7. 但是,大公司为保证新命名体系保护他们利益的最后努力带来了更为广泛的反作用力,暴露出了icann内部更为深刻的紧张状态。

    Yet the last-minute efforts by large corporations to ensure the new naming system protects their interests have brought a wider backlash , exposing the deeper tensions inside ICANN .

  8. 初潮年龄和担忧孩子喂养与高龄孕产妇入组时的抑郁情绪相关,分娩时紧张状态和产后抢救与产后7d的焦虑情绪相关。

    The depression in the elder pregnant women is related with the first menstrual age and worrying about infant feeding , and then the anxiety in the 7d postpartum with parturition stress and the postpartum rescue .

  9. 全球互联网地址录建立在一种微妙的共识上,最终,对于icann和世界各地的互联网用户,危险在于这些紧张状态可能摧毁这一共识。

    Ultimately , the danger for ICANN and for Internet users around the world is that these tensions could destroy the delicate consensus on which the global Internet directory is founded .

  10. 紧张状态患者桥脑、大部分额叶和颞叶、部分枕叶和顶叶、丘脑和基底节的rCBF明显低于对照组(P<0.05和0.01)。

    The patients ' stress rCBF of the frontal lobe , temporal lobe , part occipital lobe , part parietal lobe , thalamus and basal ganglia were significantly lower compared to the healthy controls ' ( P < 0.05 and 0.01 ) .

  11. 他们推出T恤,杯子甚至与阿桑奇共进晚餐来尽力去筹集资金,因为他面临200000美元的诉讼费用,而且类似PayPal、Visa以及MasterCard都拒绝处理他的支付款项。因此,他在资金方面处于极度紧张状态。

    They are putting out t - shirts and mugs and even dinner with Julian Assange to try and raise some money because he 's got legal fees of something around $ 200000 and things like PayPal and Visa and MasterCard are refusing to even process any of his payments.So he 's in a major jam financially .

  12. 结果显示:(1)DsbA蛋白的还原态比氧化态的结构更加稳定,说明DsbA的强氧化性来源于氧化态构象的紧张状态;

    The results show that : ( 1 ) DsbA , as an oxidase , can catalyze disulfide bond formation efficiently . The reduced form is more stable than the oxidized form , suggesting that the strong oxidizing force of DsbA comes from the tense conformation of the oxidized form .

  13. 处于一种身体的或神经的紧张状态。

    In or of a state of physical or nervous tension .

  14. 生物化学测定用于紧张状态的评定和处理

    The use of biochemical tests in stress assessment and stress management

  15. 在被出售之前,《赫芬顿邮报》内部的紧张状态就已经在加剧了。

    Internal tensions at huffpo were already rising before the sale .

  16. 两人的关系在以后几年里处于紧张状态。

    Relations between the two men remained strained for some years .

  17. 这导致了一种可能致命的紧张状态。

    This is leading to strains that could be fatal .

  18. 目前的金融市场也是这样一个类似的紧张状态。

    The financial markets are in a similar state of nervous anticipation .

  19. 在两个主要角色之间的紧张状态。

    The tensions that develop between the two main characters .

  20. 他的演讲引发了该地区的种族紧张状态。

    His speech ignited racial tension in the area .

  21. 精神或情感的紧张状态。

    A state mental or emotional strain or suspense .

  22. 应激紧张状态下某些认知机能的变化

    The Changes of Cognitive Function in Stress Situation

  23. 紧张状态&幼儿身心健康发展的障碍

    Nervousness & an Obstacle Hindering the Healthy Growing of Infants 's Body and Mentality

  24. 你肯定是经常性地往上或向下弯曲手腕,让手腕长期处于紧张状态。

    You should not be straining the wrist upwards or bending it too much .

  25. 测试时,她所有的感官都处于紧张状态。

    All her senses were on the strain when the test was going on .

  26. 他一直处在极度紧张状态之中。

    He has been under a severe strain .

  27. 人工作要是处于紧张状态就不可能发挥出最佳水平。

    No one can give of his best when he is working under strain .

  28. 异位性皮炎患者精神紧张状态下的心理生理反应

    Psychophysiological reactivity under mental stress in atopic dermatitis

  29. 这场内战肇端于种族之间的紧张状态。

    It was against this backdrop of racial tension that the civil war began .

  30. 葡萄牙银行业的投资者也处于紧张状态。

    Portuguese bank investors have also been jittery .