
  • 网络contractionary fiscal policy;tight fiscal policy;Restrictive Fiscal Policy;tight financing policy
  1. 当总需求小于总供给产生衰退和失业时,政府应采取刺激需求的扩张性财政政策,当总需求大于总供给产生通货膨胀时,政府应采取抑制总需求的紧缩性财政政策。

    It states that if total demand is less than total supply , government should apply active fiscal policy to expand demand ; if total demand is larger than total supply , government should apply tight fiscal policy to repress demand .

  2. 第一,这些国家实行的紧缩性财政政策对总需求和gdp具有抑制作用,却无法从货币贬值的扩张效应中得到弥补。

    First , the contractionary fiscal policies that are decreasing aggregate demand and GDP in these countries cannot be offset by the expansionary effects of currency devaluations .

  3. 提高利率,实施紧缩性财政政策,并进行结构性经济改革,推动国内经济的市场化和自由化,这是IMF拯救东亚金融危机方案中的主要措施。

    IMF 's rescue program against East Asian financial crisis includes raising interest rate and restricting government expenditure . In the long run , the IMF demands that structural reform be implemented .

  4. 其中,按照在调节经济总量方面的不同作用,相机抉择的财政政策又可以分为扩张性财政政策、紧缩性财政政策和中性财政政策等三种。

    According to the different roles on economic aggregates , the latter can also be divided into extending fiscal policy , tightening fiscal policy and neutral fiscal policy .

  5. 具有讽刺意味的是,直到最近,中国还一直奉行紧缩性的货币和财政政策,以抗击通胀。

    Ironically , until recently China had been pursuing monetary and fiscal tightening to fight inflation .