
xié tónɡ ɡōnɡ zuò
  • Collaborative work;team work
  1. 泰格林纸集团协同工作模式初探

    A primary exploration into the team work model in Tiger Forest & Paper Group

  2. 雇主必须判断,激励自我改进是否比不能协同工作差造成的损害更重要。

    Employers must judge whether the motivation for self-improvement outweighs the damage caused by poor team work .

  3. 大多数维基网站属于协同工作网站。

    Most wikis are collaborative websites .

  4. 灯、固定装置和房间,三者必须协同工作,才能真正造福最终用户。

    The lamp , the fixture , and the room , all three must work in concert for the true benefits of end-users .

  5. 德勤的报告指出,在他们联系的管理人员中,只有12%觉得他们理解人们在网络中协同工作的方式,只有21%自信他们有组建跨职能团队的能力。

    Deloitte reports that only 12 % of the executives they contacted feel they understand the way people work together in networks and only 21 % feel confident in their ability to build cross-functional teams .

  6. DataType、拜伦值指示了与模板协同工作的数据的类型。

    The Data Type , boolean , indicates the type of data that this template works with .

  7. 提出在多Agent组织系统中,采用松散型协同工作方式实现分布式问题求解。

    This paper applies teamwork mode on distributed problem solving in multi-agent organization system .

  8. 基于XML的业务过程管理的协同工作的研究

    The Study on XML-Based Co-operative Work in Business Process Management

  9. 协作CAD系统是支持多个用户协同工作的CAD系统。

    Collaborative CAD system is a CAD system supporting multi-user cooperation .

  10. 具有高适应性的移动Agent协同工作模型

    Mobile agent coordination model with high adaptability

  11. 一种改进的移动Agent协同工作模型

    An improved mobile agent coordination model

  12. 基于Web与VR的异地实时协同工作系统与虚拟环境的研究

    The Research on Web and VR Based Multi-Sited Collaborative Work System and Virtual Environment

  13. 网格被认为是下一代网络,其目标在于实现Internet环境内的资源共享和协同工作。

    Grid is considered as next generation network , which aims to achieve resource sharing and cooperating work in environment of internet .

  14. 多CA系统协同工作模式的研究

    Research of Multi CA System Work Mode

  15. 由于单个Agent不足以完成全部的问题求解,所以需要多个Agent一起通过协商、协同工作。

    A single agent cannot accomplish the resolvent of all problems , so agents need to negotiate and cooperate through Agent Communication .

  16. P2P技术在网络外设协同工作中的应用

    Application of P2P in Network Device Cooperating Work

  17. 提出了一种CAD与CAPP协同工作系统的体系结构。

    A kind of framework of the cooperative work system between CAD and CAPP was proposed .

  18. MAS协作管理是实现Multi-Agent协同工作的关键理论与技术。

    MAS collaboration management is key theory and technology realizing Multi-Agent cooperative work .

  19. 它只能与Literal服务协同工作,此服务也只发送值信息。

    It only works with Literal services which only send the value .

  20. 该框架主要包括调度模块和派发模块两个部分,两者协同工作完成了整个实时CORBA系统的资源分配过程。

    Their co-operation makes resource allocation process of the whole real-time CORBA system successful accomplishment .

  21. 该系统可以使分布在异地的CAD,CAPP,CAM项目组成员在一个虚拟的协作环境内协同工作。

    MCSDM can support separately located CAD , CAPP , CAM groups to work collaboratively in a virtual environment .

  22. 数字信号处理平台的信号处理核心也由单一的DSP芯片向多核心协同工作的方向发展,数字信号处理平台的功能也越来越丰富。

    Signal processing core of digital signal processing platform is changing from a single DSP core chip to multi-core chips cooperating .

  23. 您将从技术的角度了解哪些组件构建了WebSphereProcessServer的运行时层,以及它们如何在操作环境中协同工作。

    You 'll learn which components build WebSphere Process Server 's runtime layer and how they work together in an operational environment from a technical point of view .

  24. 多点通讯是计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)中的关键问题。

    The multipoint communication is a key problem in CSCW .

  25. 计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)发展述评

    Research and Analysis of the Development of CSCW Computer Supported Cooperative Work

  26. 本课题所研究的基于Web的英语集体备课系统是一类专用CSCW(计算机支持协同工作)系统。

    The Web-based lesson planning system of this thesis belongs to the framework of CSCW ( Computer-Supported Collaborative Work ) system .

  27. 并研究了实现虚拟教室系统的相关技术理论,像Web开发技术,计算机支持协同工作理论,.NET框架技术,数据库技术等。

    And also studies the technology theory about online virtual classroom , such as Web development technology , computer support cooperative work , Microsoft . NET framework , database technology .

  28. 多Agent协同工作的PMAS体系结构的研究

    Research on PMAS of Multi-Agent System for Cooperative Work

  29. 虽然这些概念已经有了很好的文档说明,但是获得有关这些概念如何在IBMWebSphereProcessServer中协同工作的概述是非常困难的。

    Although these concepts are well documented , it is very difficult to get an overview of how these concepts work together within IBM WebSphere Process Server .

  30. 近年来多Agent技术来得到了较快发展,利用多Agent技术可以实现分布、异构应用子系统的有效集成&信息共享、功能共享和协同工作。

    Recent years the Multi-Agent technology has been developing quickly , Multi-Agent technology may effectively integrate the distribution , isomerism application subsystem-information sharing , function sharing and operate mutually .