
  • 网络Place de la concorde;Place de la Concorde in Paris;la Place de la Concorde
  1. 半个小时以后,我远远地看到了玛格丽特的车子从圆形广场向协和广场驶来。

    A half an hour later , in the distance , coming from the Rond-Point down to the Place de la Concorde , I saw Marguerite 's carriage approaching .

  2. 与此同时,在协和广场(PlacedelaConcorde)边角上,临时搭建了一幢七层办公楼,建筑设计师、工程师以及领班济济一堂,克利翁酒店(HoteldeCrillon)的改扩建规模可见一斑。

    Meanwhile , on the corner of Place de la Concorde , a seven-storey temporary office block housing architects , engineers and foremen provides just one clue as to the scale of renovation taking place at the H ô tel de Crillon .

  3. 新协和广场,克拉科夫,波兰

    The new Concord square , krak ó w , poland

  4. 说一个与萨拉曼卡的马约尔广场相较衡的现代广场,巴黎的协和广场,

    So one contemporary equivalent of the Plaza Mayor in Salamanca is the Place de la D é fense in Paris ,

  5. 《老人与海》:象征性海洋文学的杰作协和广场(当时已经恢复旧名,叫路易十五广场)上人山人海,个个喜气洋洋。

    " The Old Man and the Sea ": One of the Masterpieces of Symbolistic Maritime Literature The Place de la Concorde , which had become the Place Louis XV . once more , was choked with happy promenaders .

  6. 协和广场建成于1775年,它是为歌颂法国路易十五世而建的。

    It is in the 8th arrondissement , or district , of the city . Jacques Ange Gabriel , Louis XV 's architect , began construction in 1754 and completed it in 1763 . It was thus called the Place Louis XV .