
  • 网络Rutland;Lateran
  1. 话说有个领班,叫菲尼斯·P·盖奇,25岁,人精神抖擞讨大伙喜欢,一帮男人正跟着他在拉特兰到伯灵顿的新增铁路线上干活。

    A gang of men , under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman , 25-year-old Phineas P.Gage , was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad .

  2. 一伙工人正跟着他们的领班在拉特兰-伯灵顿铁路的新线路上干活。这位领班名叫菲尼斯·P·盖奇,二十五岁,他精力充沛,待人和气。

    A gang of men , under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman , 25-year-old Phineas P. Gage , was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad .

  3. 我当时是大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)的考古学家。最后,我们在拉特兰郡一座农家小屋安下了家,这里离乔恩所在的皇家空军斯坎普顿基地很近。

    I was working as an archaeologist at the British Museum and we eventually settled down in a little cottage in Rutland , close to Jon 's base at RAF Scampton .

  4. 第四次拉特兰会,在1215年,是至关重要的。

    The fourth Lateran Council , in1215 , was of crucial importance .

  5. 吉姆·杰福兹的家乡拉特兰镇有数百人拒绝为他举行纪念活动。

    Hundreds turned down to remember Jim Jeffords in his hometown of Rutland .

  6. 根据拉特兰条约,意大利承认梵蒂冈的独立。

    According to the Lateran Treaty , Italy recognized the independence of the Vatican .

  7. 拉特兰郡是建立在湖泊附近。

    Rutland is built near lakes .

  8. 英国是第一个付诸实践的法令拉特兰理事会。

    The English were the first to put into practice the decrees of the Lateran Council .

  9. 拉特兰曾是英国最小的一个郡,但1974年成为莱斯特郡的一部分。

    Rutland used to be the smallest county in england , but in1974it became part of leicestershire .

  10. 其中最重要的是第四次拉特兰会(1215)召开由伟大的教宗诺森三世。

    The most important of these was the Fourth Lateran Council ( 1215 ) convened by the great Pope Innocent III.

  11. 本该在拉特兰会议上引起特别关注的改革工作从未认真开展。

    The work of reform , which should have claimed special attention at the Lateran Council , was never undertaken seriously .

  12. 下面我简单介绍一下我们的团队,我们有上百人,包括普林斯顿,和拉特兰大学的在读和毕业生。

    So take a overview of the team it is a group of a hundred of us including Princeton and Rutland Grad and Undergrad students .

  13. 这位21岁的信息科技专业毕业生说,这张照片拍摄于今年3月31日,他从马尼拉圣胡安-拉特兰学院毕业的五天之后。

    The 21-year-old Information Technology graduate said the picture was taken on March 31 , five days after his graduation from the Colegio de San Juan de Letran in Manila .

  14. 许多许多的引文,从希腊和拉丁美洲的父亲提出在拉特兰会和在其他场合是定论,但他们中的一些是不够清楚。

    Many of the numerous citations from the Greek and Latin Fathers adduced at the Lateran Council and on other occasions are inconclusive , but some of them are clear enough .

  15. 事故发生在下午12:30拉特兰路400号街区。纽约消防局表示,这座有100年历史的空置建筑部分倒塌。

    The incident happened on the 400 block of Rutland Road just after 12:30 p.m. The Fire Department of New York says the vacant 100-year-old building being pulled down partially collapsed .

  16. 第四次拉特兰宗教会议为天主教会规定了统一的礼拜仪式,七项礼拜仪式将天主教宗教信仰演绎成各种外在的物化仪式。

    The Roman Catholic Church has stipulated the unified liturgy at the Fourth Lateran council , deduced various kinds of external materialization ceremonies from Catholicism according to seven items of liturgy .