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  • sliding door
  1. 切斯特会使劲挤进一个很窄的拉门,半身卡在了那里,然后用毫不掺假的迷茫眼神看着我。

    Chester would try to make his way through a narrow sliding door find himself stuck halfway and then look at me with total and quite genuine puzzlement .

  2. 我闭上眼睛,直到一辆厢车砰地一声关上拉门并把我吵醒时,我才意识到自己刚刚睡着了。

    I had my eyes closed and didn 't realize I was asleep until the sliding door of a van slammed shut and woke me up . 2 .

  3. 本文介绍了在AUTOCAD平台上开发船闸横拉门绘图软件的软件结构。

    The authors expounded software structure of ship lock horizontal pull gate on Auto CAD .

  4. PVC塑钢单扇推拉门框的开发与生产

    Development and Manufacture of Push-and-Pull Single Leaf Door Frame Made of Fibreglass PVC

  5. 屋内有几扇推拉门正对着威尔明顿河(WilmingtonRiver)边的栎树林和湿地。

    Walls of sliding glass doors face live oaks and marshland on the Wilmington River .

  6. 为了扮演Alison,这位加拿大女演员运用到了她自4岁起就开始学习的弗拉门科民族舞课程。

    To play Alison , the Canadian actress drew on the flamenco training she 's received since age 4 .

  7. 介绍了奥地利IFE公司电控塞拉门电气部分原理及功能。

    This paper introduce the theory and function of the electric parts of Austria IFE Company plug door controlled by electricity .

  8. 依据已建立的复合材料塞拉门数值分析等效模型,利用ANSYS数值模拟了高速列车塞拉门在6000Pa面静载荷下的响应,并通过实验对模拟结果进行了验证。

    Based on the established equivalent numerical analysis model of sliding plug door made from composite material and taking use of ANSYS numerical value , we simulate the response of sliding plug door of high-speed train under surface load of 6000 Pa , and validate the simulation result through experiment .

  9. 英国航空公司此前与伦敦名厨赫斯顿?布拉门斯(HestonBlumenthal)展开了合作,这位名厨是诸多科技型菜品的实践者,并且是蜗牛粥等美味佳肴的发明者。

    British Airways had previously worked with Heston Blumenthal , a famous London chef , known as a practitioner of scientifically engineered dishes and creator of delicacies like snail porridge .

  10. 分析了IFE与BODE公司的电控气动塞拉门的电气控制原理,并对如何实现不同型电控气动塞拉门列车统型编组进行了探讨

    The electrical and pneumatic control principles of the electrically controlled , pneumatically driven plug sliding doors of IFE and BODE Company are analyzed . It is discussed how to realize the uniform train marshalling of different types of the electrically controlled , pneumatically driven plug doors

  11. 高速列车塞拉门瞬态动力学分析

    The Transient Dynamic Analysis of Sliding Plug Door of High-speed Train

  12. 他用力拉门,但是拉不开。

    He tugged at the door but it wouldn 't open .

  13. 有好的弗拉门歌表演的夜总会吗?

    Is there a good night club with a flamenco show ?

  14. 基于外部轴控制的塞拉门机器人弧焊工作站

    Sliding plug door arc welding robot workstation based-on external axle control

  15. 浅谈客车塞拉门的原理及应用

    Discussion of Principles and Application of Plug Doors on Passenger Cars

  16. 悬挂式横拉门在水利工程中的应用

    Application of Hanging Transverse Pull Door in Water Conservancy Engineering

  17. 附带有手工,自动关闭或拉门。

    Available with manual , self-closing , or sliding doors .

  18. 船闸横拉门绘图软件的开发

    The Development of Drawing Software for the Navigation Lock Cross Pulling Door

  19. 国产地铁车辆客室侧拉门

    Side Pull Door of Passenger Compartment on Metro Cars Made in China

  20. 塞拉门工作过程数据采集系统

    Data Acquisition System for Recording Working Process of the Sliding Plug Door

  21. 他拉了拉门,门是锁着的。

    He tried the door and the door was locked .

  22. 推拉门窗槽,贱金属制

    Groove , of base metal for sliding doors or windows

  23. 他又拉了拉门,在此之前,他已经把门锁上了。

    Then he tried the door , which he had previously locked .

  24. 门外似乎有人在用力拉门把手。

    Someone seems to be pulling at the knob outside .

  25. 基于多柔体系统的塞拉门机架动态仿真分析

    Dynamic Simulation Analysis of the Plug Door Frame Based on Multiple-Flexible-Body System

  26. 大型电动推拉门的微机控制系统

    The Microcontroller Based Control System for Electric Push-pull Doors

  27. 塞拉门弧焊机器人工作站柔性焊接夹具设计

    Design on pliancy weld fixture of sliding plug door arc welding robot workstation

  28. 铝制推拉门,用于建筑物

    Door , sliding , of aluminium , for buildings

  29. 他检查的方法是用力拉一拉门。

    His way was to give a sharp pull .

  30. 拉门在小型水库及塘坝输水洞中的应用

    The application of sliding door in small reservoir and water tunnel of dam