
yīnɡ xiónɡ chónɡ bài
  • 熟语hero worship
  1. 当时有点英雄崇拜的感觉。

    It was a little bit of a hero worship thing .

  2. 佩里对埃里克念念不忘,英雄崇拜,将他偶像化。

    Perry 's fixated on Eric , hero worship , idolization .

  3. 约翰·拜恩(JohnByrne)的《改变世界者》是英雄崇拜的经典之作。

    John Byrne 's " World Changers " is a classic exercise in hero-worship .

  4. 林芝:我怎么嗅到了一股英雄崇拜的味道呢?

    Lin Zhi : Do I detect a hint of hero-worship there ?

  5. 你对这种赞美和英雄崇拜是怎样看的?

    How do you fell about all this adulation and hero worship ?

  6. 浅论英雄崇拜对体育文化的影响

    A Brief Discussion of the Hero Worship Influence on PE and Sports Culture

  7. 在人的自由最不受到尊重的地方,英雄崇拜最盛行。

    Hero worship is strongest where there is least regard for human freedom .

  8. 约翰,别搞英雄崇拜。

    Don 't make people into heroes , John .

  9. 二是尚武之风与英雄崇拜;

    Two is respect and worship to general ;

  10. 他把我们看做四个有英雄崇拜情结并努力模仿我们喜爱的乐队的孩子。

    He saw us as four hero-worshipping kids trying to replicate our favorite bands .

  11. 试论徐志摩的英雄崇拜&兼谈五四文坛的英雄崇拜热

    On Xu Zhi-mo 's Worship of Heroes

  12. 对她们来说,这只不过是对(女)英雄崇拜的一种表达。

    To them , this is merely an expression of hero ( ine ) worship .

  13. 积极提倡英雄崇拜思想;

    Promote hero adoration thought actively ;

  14. 从英雄崇拜看李杜人格取向的差异

    Looking at the Differences in Li 's and Du 's Personality Orientation from Their Worship of Heroes

  15. 在偶像情结中最重要的一方面就是英雄崇拜,这种英雄崇拜是理想主义的自然表现。

    The hero-fetish is the most important aspect of the idol complex , which showed up his idealist .

  16. 这种英雄崇拜导致了某些现代思想和英雄行为的产生。

    This kind of worship has brought about certain sort of modern ideology and heroic action ever after in China .

  17. 然而类似于希腊的英雄崇拜,这既不是因为授权而作,也不是作给群众的。

    Yet a hero cult similar to the Greek exists neither with those who commission the works nor with the public .

  18. 清前期文人英雄崇拜情结初探&以《清诗别裁集》英雄形象为例

    The Hero Worship Complex of the Intellectuals in Early Qing Dynasty & Taking Heroic Figures in Poems Collection of Qing Dynasty for Example

  19. 《白鹿原》体现出寓意深刻的自然崇拜、神灵崇拜、祖先崇拜、英雄崇拜等思想观念。

    Bai Lu Yuan reflects many profound mythical conceptes , such as natural worship , gods worship , ancestores worship and hero worship .

  20. 菲茨杰拉德称,虽然沃顿商学院的学生可能会从校友的成功中得到启发,但这并不意味着该院在鼓励英雄崇拜。

    While Wharton students may be inspired by alumni successes , that doesn 't mean Wharton is teaching hero worship , FitzGerald says .

  21. 乱世英雄的道德光环与悲剧结局&论中国古代战争小说的英雄崇拜意识

    The Moral Aura of the Heroes in the Times of Chaos and Their Tragic Ends & On the Hero-worship Consciousness in Ancient Chinese War Fictions

  22. 约翰别搞英雄崇拜英雄从不存在即使有也不包括我

    Don 't make people into heroes , John.Heroes don 't exist , and if they did , I wouldn 't be one of them .

  23. 题材:英雄崇拜;现实对小说;说谎的危险;名望的津贴和缺点;真实的对你自己。

    Themes : hero worship ; reality vs fiction ; the dangers of lying ; the perks and disadvantages of fame ; being true to yourself .

  24. 但是,他们拥有使自己继续前行的强大动力:那就是对大腹便便的统治者金正日狂热的英雄崇拜。

    But they have one powerful stimulant to keep them going : the outsized cult of hero worship surrounding their pot-bellied ruler , Kim Jong Il .

  25. 其中核心的问题是,那种在我们每个人心中普遍存在的英雄崇拜,正是为艺术家反抗死亡和生存困境的最原始的创作冲动。

    Among them the core problem is hero adoration in everybody 's heart , which is the most original creations of predicament impulse for the artist exactly .

  26. 云南彝族毕摩绘画是属于一种本土的宗教绘画,跟彝族的图腾崇拜、英雄崇拜、自然崇拜等有着密切的关系。

    Yi Nationality the Bimo painting is a local religious painting , with Yi totem worship , hero worship , nature worship , have a close relationship .

  27. 高等教育顾问、Eduvantis创始人蒂姆o韦斯特贝克表示,在某些商学院,企业家被浪漫化,大家对企业家存在一定程度的“英雄崇拜”。韦斯特贝克说:

    At some B-schools , entrepreneurs are romanticized and a degree of " hero worship " exists , says higher education consultant and Eduvantis founder Tim Westerbeck , .

  28. 约翰,别搞英雄崇拜,英雄从不存在,即使有,也不包括我。-

    Don 't make people into heroes , John . Heroes don 't exist , and if they did , I wouldn 't be one of them . -

  29. 从英雄崇拜到强烈反战,这一过程既反映了西方战争文学的思想演变轨迹,也体现了二十世纪战争文学的两种对立倾向。

    This process not only reflects the change in thought of western war literature , but also embodies two opposing tendencies in war literature in the twentieth century .

  30. 随着古希腊社会的发展,在祖先崇拜的基础上不仅产生了英雄崇拜与神氏崇拜,更产生了古希腊的各种竞技会。

    With the social development of ancient Greece , on the basis of ancestral worship , the worship of hero and god came about and then various competitions followed .