
  1. 由于足本词典几乎包含了所有的英语单词,所以它们又大又重。

    Because unabridged dictionaries contain nearly all English words , they are large and heavy .

  2. 写英语单词或句子的时候你可以用有横线的纸。

    When you write English words or sentences , you can use paper with lines .

  3. 他在他的第一本书《初等拼写》中建议简化英语单词的拼写。

    His first book , The Elementary Spelling Book , suggested making the spelling of English words easy .

  4. 它介绍了许多新的美式英语单词,包括它们的发音、用法和新的拼写。

    It introduced lots of new American words , with information about their pronunciation , use and the new spelling .

  5. 求职者一定要学会至少六个英语单词,特别是这六个:Wouldyoulikefrieswiththat?

    Job seekers must learn at least six word particularly these six : Would you like fries with that ?

  6. 通过美国手语(americansignlanguage,orasl),聋人可以无障碍地表达英语单词。

    Deaf people may have no trouble communicating English words through American Sign language , or asl .

  7. kindergarten这个英语单词源于德语。

    The English word " kindergarten " derives from German .

  8. 英语单词Goodbye来自于Godbye,原意是上帝与你同在。

    Goodbye came from God bye which came from God be with you .

  9. 您可以任意修改适应性函数和dictionary来繁殖您自己的英语单词。

    Feel free to modify the fitness function and the dictionary to breed your own English words .

  10. 经济繁荣的时候,一些人仅仅凭着这三个英语单词:Mewantjob(我要工作)就可以在美国找到体面的工作。

    When the economy was strong , some folks were able to find decent jobs in America by knowing just three words of English : Me want job .

  11. Frank学英语单词的能力很强,但是忘记单词的能力更强。

    Frank has a great capacity for learning English words but great potential of forgetting them .

  12. 他们又学了拉丁词根later(意思是“边”),并且组成了英语单词bilateral(双边的)和quadrilateral(四边的)。

    They learn the Latin root later , or side , and construct such English words as bilateral and quadrilateral .

  13. 错误的发生是因为移植的医务人员以为英语单词“reactive”(阳性)在捐赠者的HIV标准检验中的意思是“阴性”而不是“阳性”。

    The mistake happened because transplant staff believed the English word " reactive " on the donor 's standard HIV test meant negative instead of positive .

  14. lively和vivacious两个词都是很好的英语单词,但lively是个普通词而vivacious是个学术词。

    Both lively and vivacious are good English words , but Lively is popular and vivacious is learned .

  15. 求职者一定要学会至少六个英语单词,特别是这六个:“Wouldyoulikefrieswiththat?(你喜欢配炸薯条吗?)”这些词看起来可能很简单,但有些移民真的拿这几个单词没辙。

    Job seekers must learn at least six word particularly these six : " Would you like fries with that ? " They may seem like easy word but some immigrants really struggle with them .

  16. 在7月份的一期节目中,过半成年观众将“绯闻”(英语单词gossip)两字写错了。

    in oneepisode in July more than 50 % of the adult audience incorrectly drew atwo-character word meaning " gossip , " feiwen .

  17. 我觉得人们懂得一个英语单词是一件好事,但一个友好的“hi”却能让他们得到更多的回应。

    I think it is great that people know an English word , but they would get a lot more response with a friendly " hi " .

  18. (指音符)升半音的舌头位于上腭附近发出的半元音(象英语单词“yeast”中的首音。

    ( of notes ) raised half a tone in pitch a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate ( like the initial sound in the English word ` yeast ' ) .

  19. 但是“Hi,I'mxPoKeFaNx”这句话与之前那两句话是一眼就能看出不同的,哪怕“xPoKeFaNx”也无论如何不可能是一个英语单词。

    But " Hi , I 'm xPoKeFaNx " is definitely recognizably different from the first two , even though " xPoKeFaNx " isn 't an English word by any stretch of the imagination .

  20. crossword是一个基于英语单词猜字游戏的生成和计算游戏,它可以和任何字典工作。

    Crossword-crossword generator and a computer game based on English wordnet . however , this engine is able to work with any dictionary .

  21. 它是英语单词“Greek”希腊和“exit”退出的合成词。希腊最终是否退出欧元区仍然是一个紧迫的问题,这个词让人们记住2015年上半年希腊的主权债务危机的严重程度。

    A combination of the English word for " Greek " and " exit , " it reminded people of the severity of Greece 's sovereign debt crisis during the first half of 2015 , as whether the country would exit the eurozone remained a pressing question then .

  22. 首先,它从两个英语单词anthology和florilegium出发,提出了一个问题,即为什么在中西文化中花往往成为精华的隐喻。

    First , in light of the two English words anthology and florilegium , it brings up the issue why the flower is prone to become a metaphor for essence in Chinese and Western culture .

  23. 根据汉语意思写出英语单词。

    Write out the English word according to the Chinese meaning .

  24. 克劳斯:也许你可以教鲁鲁几个英语单词啊。

    Klas : Maybe you can teach Lulu some English words .

  25. 浅谈高职院校学生英语单词记忆策略

    On the Memory Strategy of English-word of Higher Vocational College Students

  26. 基于神经网络的语音合成环节中英语单词音节划分的技术

    Neural Network Based Syllable Boundary Assignment for Letter-to-sound of English Word

  27. 为下列有关行星的名词找到相应的英语单词。

    Match the Chinese words for planets to their English equivalents .

  28. 这本书引导我们如何使用英语单词和习语。

    This book guides us in using English words and idioms .

  29. 对不起,我记不住那么多英语单词。

    Sorry , I can 't remember that many English words .

  30. 努力把这些英语单词和短语记住。

    Try to learn by heart these English words and phase .