
hàn bái yù
  • white marble
汉白玉 [hàn bái yù]
  • [white marble] 一种白色大理石,可以做建筑和雕刻的材料

汉白玉[hàn bái yù]
  1. 很快的你回到了汉白玉走廊里。

    You instantly find yourself back in the White Marble Corridor .

  2. 汉白玉废料制备球形纳米碳酸钙的研究

    Study on the Fabrication of Global Nanometer Calcium Carbonate Using White Marble Scrap

  3. 西部山内蕴藏金矿和汉白玉大理石,且储量丰富。

    Gold reserves in the western mountains and White Marble marble , and rich reserves .

  4. 他把一块汉白玉雕成一个女孩的石像。

    Eg. he chiseled the figure of a girl out of a block of white marble .

  5. “仙女楼”建筑精美,汉白玉拱门上刻有并蒂莲花浮雕,且有美丽的传说。

    On the marvelous Fairy Tower , there are white marble arches carved with lotuses , telling wonderful tales .

  6. 1995年创作的江西省艺术剧院正厅大型汉白玉浮雕《物华天宝》落成。

    In1995 , finished the large-scale white marble relief sculpture Natural Treasure for the front hall of Jiangxi Art Theatre .

  7. 白云岩理石(汉白玉)粉产品概况及供货情况简介白云岩粉是我公司的主要产品之一。

    Brief Introduction of the White marble White marble powder is one of our major products made by Yingkou Shenlong Stone Products Co.

  8. 碑座四周,镶嵌着反映中国自1840年至1949年间百年革命历史的十面大型汉白玉浮雕。

    The base of the monument is carved with ten huge marble bas-reliefs which document China 's 100-year-history from 1840 to 1949 .

  9. 和那办理朝政的三大殿一样,他们也座落在同一个南北中轴线上,一个两层的汉白玉石基上。

    Like the three great halls for official ceremonies , they stand along the same north-south axis on a second huge stone terrace .

  10. 在建碑过程中,没有发生过一件工伤事故和刻坏过一块汉白玉。

    In the process of building the monument , there have been no work-related injuries and one had a bad carved white marble .

  11. 采用模拟的方法研究了酸雨对天然汉白玉的危害。

    In this paper , the acid rain 's corrosion effect and its mechanism for natural white marble were studied by the simulated method .

  12. 汉玉矿业集团是目前中国唯一机械化专业开采、加工制作硅化汉白玉大理石的企业。

    Brief Introduction Hanyu Mining Group is the only stone enterprise in China which exploits silicic white marble by applying professional machinery and accessory equipments in mining .

  13. 三江地区宝玉石资源主要有海蓝宝石、碧玺、黄玉、水晶、紫牙乌、芙蓉石、汉白玉等。

    The Sanjiang area is rich in resources of gem jade stones , such as aquamarine , tourmaline , topaz , rock cristal , almandine , rose quartz , white marble , etc.

  14. 它不像汉白玉那样细腻,可以凿下来刻字雕花,也不像大青石那样光滑,可以供来浣纱捶布;

    It was not like a fine piece of white marble on which words or flowers could be carved , nor like a smooth big bluish stone people used to wash their clothes on .

  15. 人民大会堂在墙面更新中,6000m2的磨光花岗岩墙裙和汉白玉墙面采用环氧树脂胶粘结工艺。

    In the renovation of wall finish of the Great Hall of People 's Congress , epoxy adhesive technique was adopted in totally 6 000 m2 works of polished granite dado and white marble wall finish .

  16. 首先,用各向同性较强、均匀的汉白玉制作标准件,测量其不同传播距离的波形,再用相位补偿的方法得到其传播速度;

    First , using good isotropic and homogeneous white marble for fabricating standard parts and measuring the sonic waveform from different propagation distance , then the propagation velocity can be got by using phase compensation method ;

  17. 较普通台基高,常在台基上边建汉白玉栏杆,用于大式建筑或宫殿建筑中的次要建筑。

    It is higher than common base . The white marble banister is often built at the side of this type of base . Higher-class base is used for the less important building in big type buildings or palace buildings .