
  • 网络Highway
  1. RS、GIS技术在高等级公路工程勘察中的应用研究

    Application of RS and GIS Technique to the Reconnaissance of Highway Engineering

  2. DGPSRTK技术在高等级公路放样测量中的应用

    Applying DGPS RTK Technique in high-grade highway stake-out survey

  3. 最后,在路基养护评价体系建立的情况下,利用VISUALBASIC编程语言编制了高等级公路路基养护评价软件,从技术上完成对路基养护评价体系的支持。

    Eventually , according to evaluation system of subgrade maintenance , software is developed with visual basic program language .

  4. 文章对高等级公路平面测量中几个常用的BASIC测量程序进行研究探讨,给出了算例、程序及计算机运行结果。

    This paper concentrates primarily on researching several BASIC programs used in plane surveying , and gives some examples , programs and results .

  5. 承载比(CBR)试验在高等级公路的应用探讨

    Discussion of CBR Test Applied on Expressways

  6. SBS改性沥青具有优良的路用性能,在现代高等级公路的建设和养护过程中有着广泛的应用。

    The SBS modified asphalt has been wildly applied in modern freeway pavement , because of its fine using performance on the road .

  7. 遥感(RS)技术在高等级公路工程中的应用正不断发展,而RS图像的计算机自动分类解译是RS数据解译计算智能化和自动化的关键技术之一。

    The application of RS technique is developing continuous in the express highway engineering and The computer automatic classification expounding of RS image is one of key technique on RS Date expounding and computing .

  8. 用Casiofx-4000p敷设高等级公路中线

    Using Casio fx-4000P calculator to lay out the center line of high-level road

  9. 利用高等级公路路面状况指数PCI与路面养护费用之间的回归关系,建立路面养护费用模型,并把它应用于沈阳至大连高速公路路面养护排序,为路面养护科学决策创造了条件。

    The paper establishes a model of maintenance expenditure by using regressive relation between pavement condition index ( PCI ) and pavement maintenance expenditure . The model is applied for ordering shen Da freeway 's pavement maintenance which provides a deciding condition for pavement maintenance .

  10. 高等级公路路面基层大多采用水泥稳定土基层,厚度大于30cm,按照规范要求应进行分层铺筑。

    For the base course of high-type highway surfaces the cement stabilized soil base course is used to be adopted that is spred by layers in case of its thickness greater than 30 cm in accordance with the Specifications .

  11. 以S222大海线大河涧至京珠高速公路段为例,从压实机械、施工方法、压实标准、碾压工艺、压实费用对高等级公路填实路堤的施工工艺及质量控制进行了论述。

    With the example of a section of a highway , discussion is made on the construction technology and quality control of rock fill embankment in higher level road , from respects of compacting plants , methods , criterion , rolling technique and compactness fee .

  12. 山区高等级公路绿化新探

    Exploration of New Method for Greening High-grade Highways in Mountainous Areas

  13. 高等级公路二灰碎石混合料配合比设计研究

    Superhighway Lime-fly Ash Stabilized Aggregate Mixture Match Ratio Design and Study

  14. 高等级公路平纵线形设计

    Geometric design for horizontal and vertical alignments of top class highways

  15. 高等级公路粘性土高路基的稳定分析

    Integral Stability Analysis of Clay Soil High Filling Roadbed in Highway

  16. 盐渍土地区高等级公路设计施工

    The Design and Construction of High-Grade Highway in Salty Soil Area

  17. 高等级公路填石路基试验段压实分析

    Compaction Analysis of Rock - Filled Subgrade inTest Road of Expressway

  18. 高等级公路水泥砼路面改造技术探讨

    Discussing the reconstruction techniques for higher level highway concrete pavement reconstruction

  19. 工程相片在高等级公路施工管理中的应用探讨

    Application of Construction Photos in High Grade Highway Construction and Management

  20. 高等级公路工程中天然取料场的勘察及设计

    The prospecting and designing of natural road-building materials in highway engineering

  21. 四川省高等级公路环保现状与存在问题

    Achievements and Problems of Environment Protection to Highways in Sichuan Province

  22. 高等级公路混凝土桥面铺装破坏的原因及防治

    Damage Reasons and Prevention Measures of High-Classed Highways Bridge Deck Pavement

  23. 高等级公路岩堆体边坡稳定性分析研究

    Study on Stability of Accumulation of Rock Mass in Highway Projects

  24. 高等级公路圆曲线施工中的精确测设

    Accurate surveying and fixing in curve construction of higher rank road

  25. 基于驾驶人视觉心理特性的高等级公路景观分析

    Highway Roadside Landscaping Based on Driver 's Visual and Psychological Characteristics

  26. 高等级公路施工中对热拌沥青砼路面的质量控制

    Quality Control for Hot Mixed Bituminous Concrete Pavement in Expressway Construction

  27. 高等级公路路面施工机械最优配置

    The Optional Equipment of Pavement Construction machinery for High class Highway

  28. 高等级公路沥青路面抗滑设计

    The anti - skid design of asphalt pavement in high-grade highway

  29. 煤矸石填筑高等级公路路堤的机械化施工

    Mechanized construction of high type highway embankment filled with coal gangue

  30. 高等级公路匝道调节器设置的数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Layout of High Grade Highway Ramp Metering System