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děng jí
  • grade;rating;rank;classification;scale;gradation;tier;bracket;notch;social estate;order and degree
等级 [děng jí]
  • [grade;rank] 按某一标准区分的高下差别

等级[děng jí]
  1. 然而,许多学校决定取消E等级,D等级后面直接就是F等级。

    However , many schools decided to drop the E grade and go straight to F.

  2. 说到测试或家庭作业的字母等级,你可能会注意到里面是没有字母E的。

    When it comes to the letter grade on your test or homework , you might notice that there is no letter E.

  3. 这些研究结果是根据性能等级排列的。

    The findings are arranged in rank order according to performance .

  4. 鸡蛋从小号到特大号分成不同等级。

    Eggs are graded from small to extra large .

  5. 赋税是按收入划分等级的。

    Tax is banded according to income .

  6. 你还不够等级。

    You just don 't rank .

  7. 等级制度在原则上并不等同于极权主义恐怖。

    The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror .

  8. 社会等级制度主要是通过个人生活方式赢得的社会荣誉来确定。

    Caste is defined primarily by social honour attained through personal lifestyle

  9. 她通过地方政府的渠道在保守党的等级制度中一步步地晋升。

    She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route

  10. 即便在沙漠中也存在某种社会等级制度。

    Even in the desert there was a kind of social hierarchy .

  11. 防尘口罩根据它们的防护效果分等级。

    Dust masks are graded according to the protection they offer

  12. 和其他多数拥有严格等级制度的美国公司一样,这里的工人和管理人员都有界定严格的职责。

    Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy , workers and managers had strictly defined duties

  13. 社会等级的另一端是杂货店老板,村里唯一的商人。

    At the other end of the social scale was the grocer , the village 's only merchant

  14. 牛奶是分等级出售的。

    Milk is sold in grades .

  15. 封建社会等级森严。

    Feudal society was rigidly stratified .

  16. 那个国家有一套严密的权力等级制度。

    There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country .

  17. 几百年来传为定制、严守不变的一套等级制度一到这里都冰消瓦解了。

    The ordered suppressed castes of centuries wither here .

  18. 社会等级制度往往使一些人之间不能建立友谊。

    Class often prevents friendship between certain people .

  19. 自二十世纪二十年代起他每周广播,直到被罗马教廷的等级制度禁止。

    There his weekly broadcasts were aired from the1920s until he was silenced by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church .

  20. 哥伦比亚大学的心理学家沙穆斯·汗认为,目前流行的折衷主义("我爱巴赫、Abba和JayZ")是中产阶级将自己与社会等级较低的人的狭隘品味区分开的一种新方式。

    Today 's fashion for eclecticism " I love Bach , Abba and Jay Z " - is , Shamus Khan , a Columbia University psychologist , argues , a new way for the middle class to distinguish themselves from what they perceive to be the narrow tastes of those beneath them in the social hierarchy .

  21. 联合作者艾米·扎内认为,使用者很可能囊括了从想要估算生物炭储量的气候变化研究者到寻找不同等级木材信息的林业工作者。

    Co-author   Amy   Zanne   thinks   that   users   probably   range   from   climate-change   researchers   wanting   to   estimate   how   much   carbon   is   stored   in   biomass ,   to   foresters looking   for   information   on   different   grades   of   timber .

  22. 她注意到,各个等级的公共教育体系都存在着优质STEM教育的巨大空白。

    She noticed there was a real void in quality STEM education at all levels of the public educational system .

  23. 团队正在取代传统的等级体制。

    A network of teams is replacing the conventional hierarchy .

  24. 医院的咨询顾问、护理人员和其他人员紧密合作,而不再像之前那样按照专业和等级被划分开。

    Consultants , nurses and others collaborate closely instead of being separated by speciality and rank .

  25. 数字技术让人们更容易协调活动,而不必诉诸等级制度。

    Digital technology also makes it easier for people to co-ordinate their activities without resorting to hierarchy .

  26. 该软件会基于老师所创建的评分系统给予一个分数,可能是字母等级,也可能是数字分数。

    The software will assign a grade depending on the scoring system created by the teacher , whether it is a letter grade or numericalrank .

  27. 在《团队的团队》一书中,斯坦利·麦克里斯托尔将军描述了军队的等级制度是如何在伊拉克战争早期阻碍军事行动的。

    In his book , " Team of Teams ' General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army 's hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war . "

  28. 在A、B、C、D和F等级系统中,前四个字母通常被视为合格等级。

    In the A , B , C , D and F grading system , the first four letters are typically considered passing grades .

  29. 尽管如此,我们也应该指出,在美国字母等级的历史上,E级的使用实际上已经相当普遍。

    Even with all this said , we should also point out that E grade actually has been used pretty commonly throughout the history of letter grades in the US .

  30. 为什么我们会有字母等级制度?

    Why do we have letter grades ?