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  • 网络The Babel;The Tower of Babel;Babel Tower
  1. 《消逝的巴别塔》是MichaelErard所写的有关于精通或声称自己精通许多种语言之人的第一本严肃书籍。

    In " Babel No More , " Michael Erard has written the first serious book about the people who master vast numbers of languages - or claim to .

  2. 上帝摧毁巴别塔,混乱人类语言,从而使人类语言存在差异。

    The deconstructed Babel symbolizes the confusion and difference of human languages .

  3. 但是,就像建造巴别塔(TowerofBabel)一样,它也带来了消极影响。

    But like the building of the Tower of Babel , it has negative ones , too .

  4. 以及有关巴别塔和金字型神塔的各种故事。

    About the Tower of Babel [ 9 ] and the ziggurats .

  5. 建筑艺术的伟大标本巴别塔就是一个大蜂窝。

    The great symbol of architecture , Babel , is a hive .

  6. 可是巴别塔的陡峭,正是因为长城的存在。

    However the steepness is just because of the existence of Great Wall .

  7. 基于群际交际理论对《巴别塔》中跨文化冲突的研究

    Research on the Intercultural Conflicts in Movie Babel Based on Intergroup Communication Theory

  8. 消逝的巴别塔:寻找世间最卓越的语言学习者。

    Babel No More : The Search for the World 's Most Extraordinary Language Learners .

  9. 窥看巴别塔外的星光&刍议几个耐人寻味的文学问题

    Peeping at the Starlight through the Babel Tower-A Rustic Opinion on some Thought-provoking Literary Problems

  10. 解析电影《巴别塔》中的文化定型现象

    Analyzing the Stereotype Phenomenon in Babel

  11. 逝去的巴别塔

    The Disappeared Babel Tower

  12. 为上海人祷告,愿他们不致陷入巴别塔的骄傲和物质主义中。

    Pray for the people of Shanghai to escape from the pride and materialism of the Tower of Babel .

  13. 他们是劳工,打造着世界沟通的桥梁,建立起另一座通天巴别塔。

    In a sense , they are coolies who are bridging the world and building up another Tower of Babel .

  14. 然而,在《最后的通用语言:巴别塔重现前的英语》一书中,作者尼古拉斯奥斯特勒对盎格鲁中心主义思想以及常见的目光短浅的狂热爱国主义情绪进行了大胆纠正。

    Yet in The Last Lingua Franca , Nicholas Ostler serves up a bold corrective to Anglo-centrism and its familiar flag-waving myopia .

  15. 如果多边体系无法发挥作用,全球化可能会成为一座“巴别塔”,各国相互竞争,出现利益冲突,最终谁也无法受益。

    When multilateralism is dysfunctional , globalization can be a Tower of Babel , with competing national interests colliding to the benefit of none .

  16. 不过,巴别塔并不是为表达对上帝的崇拜和敬仰而建造,而是为人类自己歌功颂德的。

    However , the Tower of Babel was not built for the worship and praise of God , but was instead dedicated to the glory of man .

  17. 我还为一件事物着迷,那就是宗教最初产生的时候,就像巴别塔扰乱了我们的语言。

    And I 'm fascinated by the way that even at that elemental point , the religions come in , and like the Tower Babel confuse our speech .

  18. 如今世界上的第一高楼是位于中东迪拜的哈利法塔,这座细长的、像是现代巴别塔的摩天大楼高828米(2722英尺)。

    Today , the world 's tallest building , the Burj Khalifa , is in the Middle East . This elongated , latter day Tower of Babel is 828m ( 2722ft ) high .

  19. 换句话说,伦敦正变成一个华美和道德沦丧共存的巴别塔,很多人选择来到这里,现有的居民也选择在这里留下很多的子嗣。

    In other words , the city is becoming such a Babel of gaudiness and moral turpitude that lots of people choose to come here and existing residents choose to have lots of children here .

  20. 本文试图通过讨论巴别塔的隐喻在本雅明、德里达、保罗·德·曼等西方思想家中搅起的思想波澜,进而论述翻译中的语言问题。

    This essay will approach this issue of language in the context of translation , with reference to the Babel metaphor as discussed by western thinkers such as Benjamin , Derrida , and de Man .

  21. 当神在巴别塔使人分散时,人们在自己的语言群体中通婚,所以最强的属性就在各自的群体中变得更加明显。

    When God scattered the people from the tower of Babel , those people would have stayed within their language groups and married within that group . The stronger characteristics would have become the most commonly seen .

  22. 实际上,学校空间是社会权力的巴别塔上的一个单元格,通过自身的物质设置和表征被学校内的成员所认知,并通过限制学校成员的预期和选择的可能性对其进行规训与控制。

    In fact , school space is a cell in the Babel Tower of social power . It was perceived by its members through the material setting and representation , and disciplines and controls the members of the society by limiting the expectations and the possibilities of selection .