首页 / 词典 / good


dì fang
  • place;space;room;point;locality;part,respect;town crier;local


dì fāng
  • locality;local
地方 [dì fāng]
  • (1) [place]∶地面的某一个特定地区;一个特定的所在地点

  • 一条地毯的破旧的地方

  • (2) [point]∶一个特定的地点

  • 沿途在一些地方停留

  • (3) [locality]∶各行政区

  • 地方组织

  • (4) [part,respect]∶部分

  • 剧中最动人的地方

  • (5) [town crier]

  • 地保

  • 令他们报个暴病身亡,合族中及地方递一张保呈。--《红楼梦》

  • (1) [local]

  • (2) 当地

  • 地方公共汽车线路

  • 地方武装

  • (3) 各行政区的

  • 地方政治

  • 地方风俗

地方[dì fāng]
地方[dì fang]
  1. 这个地方不适合你居住。

    This is not a fit place for you to live .

  2. 我发誓再不去那个地方了。

    I vowed never to set foot in the place again .

  3. 他游历了许多地方,主要在非洲和亚洲。

    He 's travelled widely , chiefly in Africa and Asia .

  4. 空手道比赛和拳击比赛有许多类似的地方。

    The karate bout has many similarities to a boxing match .

  5. 这些改革对地方政府最有利。

    These reforms were in the best interests of local government .

  6. 把它拿到亮的地方,好让我看见。

    Bring it into the light so I can see it .

  7. 政府给地方议会的经费支出规定了最高限额。

    The government has placed a cap on local council spending .

  8. 夏天,这些树为动物提供乘凉的地方。

    The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer .

  9. 就居住环境而论,牛津市是个难得的好地方。

    As a place to live , Oxford takes some beating .

  10. 你绝不可能从那么远的地方把球投进去。

    You 'll never get the ball in from that distance .

  11. 将有大雨,有些地方会泛滥成灾。

    There will be heavy rain with flooding in some areas .

  12. 猫躺在壁炉前它最喜欢的地方打盹。

    The cat dozed in its favourite spot on the hearth .

  13. 这是富人和名流最喜欢去度假的地方。

    It 's a favourite resort for the rich and famous .

  14. 跟平常那个时刻一样,那地方空荡荡的。

    As usual at that hour , the place was deserted .

  15. 这个地方不适宜卸车。

    This isn 't a suitable place to unload the van .

  16. 他们四处查看,想找个过夜的地方。

    They scouted the area for somewhere to stay the night .

  17. 别在光线差的地方看书把眼睛给伤了。

    Don 't strain your eyes by reading in poor light .

  18. 我们四处查看,想找一个搭帐篷的地方。

    We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent .

  19. 我希望永远不再见到这个地方!

    I hope I never set eyes on this place again !

  20. 她绕着那个街区慢慢行驶,想找个停车的地方。

    She cruised around the block looking for a parking space .

  21. 地方监狱的普遍状况让我们震惊。

    We were horrified at the conditions prevailing in local prisons .

  22. 他们挣扎着从烟雾稀薄的地方逃了出去。

    They fought their way through where the smoke was thinner .

  23. 他们盘问她整个夜晚待在什么地方。

    They grilled her about where she had been all night .

  24. 我觉得我们一定是在什么地方拐错了路。

    I think we must have taken a wrong turning somewhere .

  25. 他们只是大概知道那个地方的位置。

    They had only a vague idea where the place was .

  26. 这地方美其名曰餐馆,其实只不过是个快餐店而已。

    The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe .

  27. 他在陡坡上到处试探,想找个蹬脚的地方。

    He was scrabbling for a foothold on the steep slope .

  28. 新上任的地方检察官承诺要与司法腐败作斗争。

    The new district attorney has promised to fight police corruption .

  29. 有些地方的灰泥脱落了,露出了砖。

    Plaster had fallen away in places , exposing the brickwork .

  30. 歌剧院是个名流和时尚人士竞显风采的地方。

    The opera was the place to see and be seen .