
dì tǎn
  • carpet;rug
地毯 [dì tǎn]
  • [carpet;rug] 常由羊毛织成的一种重厚的机织或毡合织物,铺于地面

地毯[dì tǎn]
  1. 这地毯已经过处理,不易挂污。

    The carpet has been treated so that it is stain-resistant .

  2. 地毯上那黏乎乎的都是什么玩意儿?

    What 's all that sticky stuff on the carpet ?

  3. 小地毯为房间增添了一点色彩。

    The rug adds a dash of colour to the room .

  4. 从火炉迸出的火星点燃了地毯。

    A spark from the fire had set light to a rug .

  5. 这地毯很耐用,是不是?

    That carpet is wearing well , isn 't it ?

  6. 门边的地毯磨损得最厉害。

    The carpet by the door takes the most punishment .

  7. 请勿把烟灰弹在地毯上!

    Please don 't flick ash on the carpet !

  8. 香烟把地毯烧了个洞。

    The cigarette burned a hole in the carpet .

  9. 她正在拍掉地毯上的灰尘。

    She was beating dust out of the carpet .

  10. 我们的起居室里需要铺新地毯了。

    We need new carpeting in the living room .

  11. 他用力扯去了地毯,只剩下裸露的地板。

    He had ripped up the carpet , leaving only the bare boards .

  12. 一块燃烧着的煤块从火炉里掉出来把地毯烧了。

    A hot coal fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet .

  13. 这块地毯现在已经很旧了。

    This carpet 's getting pretty old now .

  14. 这款地毯有各种宽度可供选择。

    The carpet is available in different widths .

  15. 别把烟灰踩进地毯里!

    Don 't tread ash into the carpet !

  16. 强烈的阳光会使地毯和窗帘退色。

    Strong light will affect the depth of colour of your carpets and curtains .

  17. 我们家的地上都铺了地毯。

    We have fitted carpets in our house .

  18. 他们新铺的白地毯有一点脏都看得见。

    Their new white carpet showed every mark .

  19. 地毯旧了,但还能用。

    The carpet is worn but still serviceable .

  20. 所有的旧地毯都需要更换。

    All the old carpets need replacing .

  21. 墙纸和地毯的色彩不相配。

    The wallpaper and the carpet clash .

  22. 墙纸与地毯的色彩不协调。

    The wallpaper clashes with the carpet .

  23. 大厅铺上了蓝色的地毯。

    The hall was carpeted in blue .

  24. 这种地毯设计得十分耐用。

    The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear .

  25. 我们把地毯卷了起来。

    We rolled up the carpet .

  26. 这块地毯不耐脏。

    This carpet stains easily .

  27. 一般来说,单色的地毯使房间显得更宽敞。

    In general , a plain carpet makes a room look bigger

  28. 铺在楼梯上的地毯磨损得很厉害,都快散了。

    The stairway carpet is so frayed it threatens to unravel .

  29. 他们本想在整个房间的木地板上都不铺地毯的。

    They would have liked bare wooden floors throughout the house .

  30. 最简单的碎布地毯是由碎布条编在一起制成的。

    The simplest rag-rugs are made with strips of fabric plaited together