
  • turn green;go green;virescence;virescent
  1. “他们不懂我看到土地再次变绿时感受到的那种幸福。”塔巴特说。

    " They don ' t know the happiness I feel when I see the land turn green again , " said Tubbat .

  2. 慢慢地,泡在醋中的蒜就会变绿。

    Gradually , the color of those garlic cloves will turn green .

  3. 交通灯已由红变绿。

    The lights changed from red to green .

  4. 铜暴露在自然环境中就变绿。

    Copper turns green as it weathers .

  5. 鸟儿一落在男孩的村子里,四周的乡村都变绿了。

    As soon as the bird landed in the boy 's As soon as , the countryside all around turned green .

  6. 看,上面都变绿了。

    Look , it 's green on the outside .

  7. 或者就像约翰尼·卡森说过的,它是从曼哈顿交通信号灯变绿到后面那辆车的司机按喇叭催你快走的那一小段极为短暂的时间。

    Or as Johnny Carson once said , it 's the interval1 between a Manhattan traffic light turning green and the guy behind you honking2 his horn .

  8. 这现象可能是造成变绿初期测得的非循环光合磷酸化ATP形成能力特别低的原因。

    This phenomenon may have some relation to the extraordinarily low capacity of ATP formation of noncyclic photophosphorylation at the early stage of greening .

  9. 黄化幼苗变绿时,同化CO2能力之发生时间与光合磷酸化活力之发生时间差别不大,但以叶绿素为基础计算,前者的活力较早达到恒定。

    During greening of etiolated wheat seedlings , the appearance of CO_2 assimilation was approximately simultaneous to that of the photophosphorylation capacity , but the activity calculated on chlorophyll basis , seemed to reach a maximum much earlier .

  10. JohanPettersson被授予搞笑化学奖,以表彰其揭示了瑞典小城Anderslöv居民的头发会变绿的原因,因为这里的水中含铜量太大。

    Andersl ö v , Sweden was plagued by residents with green hair . Johan Pettersson discovered that there was too much copper in their water .

  11. JohanPettersson被授予搞笑化学奖,以表彰其揭示了瑞典小城Anderslv居民的头发会变绿的原因,因为这里的水中含铜量太大。

    Andersl , Sweden was plagued by residents with green hair . Johan Pettersson discovered that there was too much copper in their water .

  12. 通过观察控制台中的输出可以看到测试正在运行,也可以看到JMeter窗口右上角的小盒子变绿(可能很快)。

    You see the test running by looking at the output in the console as well as the little box will turning green ( might be very quick ) on the top right of the JMeter window .

  13. RT-LAMP产物加入荧光染料,管中反应液变绿,呈阳性结果;阴性对照管和空白对照管保持橙色,呈阴性结果。

    By adding fluorescent dye into RT-LAMP products , the reaction solution turns green , showing the positive result while negative control and no template control keep the color of orange , showing the negative results . 3 .

  14. 树能使我们的花园变绿,使我们的生活健康;

    Trees can make our garden green and our life healthy .

  15. 在春天,树木和草都变绿了。

    In spring , the trees and grasses are turning green .

  16. 要等到交通灯由红变绿再走。

    Wait until the traffic lights change from red to green .

  17. 人们开始抱怨头发正在变绿。

    People started complaining that their hair was turning green .

  18. 四月下旬北京所有的树都变绿了。

    All the trees in Beijing have turned green in late April .

  19. 雨水使草变绿,也帮助植物生长。

    Rain turns the grass green , and helps the plants grow .

  20. 树儿变绿,鲜花开放。

    Trees turn green and flowers begin to come out .

  21. 绿宝石单车鞋的鳍让萝卜变绿了!

    MoC : Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly !

  22. 春天万物变绿,是不是?

    Everything turns green in spring , doesn 't it ?

  23. 吃吃地笑,傻笑她一直笑到脸变绿为止。

    giggle ( v. ) She giggled until her face turned blue .

  24. 在春季,天气变暖,田野变绿。

    In spring , the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green .

  25. 树变绿了,鲜花也开始绽放。

    Trees turn green and flowers start to blossom .

  26. 那纸像着了魔法一样,变绿了。

    The paper turned green as if by magic .

  27. 寻思着路灯何时渐渐变绿。

    Wondering when the light 's gonna turn green .

  28. 我回答他:你没法把天变绿。

    I replied by saying , You can 't make the sky green .

  29. 春天到了,树头正在变绿。

    Spring is coming , the trees become blue .

  30. 春天树开始变绿。

    In spring the trees begin to turn green .