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  • 网络Variable;var
变数 [biàn shù]
  • [variable] 与常数相对而言,在函数或方程中没有确定值的数。如 y=kx+b,y =cos x 和方程 x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = a 2 中 x 、 y 、 z 就是变数

  1. Air(初三适用)航权是个复杂的变数

    Air Traffic Right , a Complicated Variable

  2. 在单复变数中,定义了一种新的空间,即H~P空间的子空间H~(P,α)空间,对其函数进行了简单的刻划,并提出了两个猜想。

    Define a new space H ~ ( p , a ) in one complex variable , characterize the properties of function , and give two guesses .

  3. 财政危机已引发了新的变数。

    The financial crisis has brought new factors into play .

  4. 一名重要证人失踪,令诉讼出现了新的变数。

    The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case .

  5. 载人宇宙飞行的前景看上去充满了越来越多的变数。

    The future for manned space flight is looking increasingly uncertain .

  6. 两性之争也出现了新的变数。

    The battle of the sexes also took a new twist

  7. 今年大部分时间他政治生涯的前景似乎都充满变数。

    His political future has looked iffy for most of this year .

  8. 整个局势中的变数是东欧。

    The wild card in the picture is Eastern Europe .

  9. 那是一场充满变数而且颇具争议的比赛。

    It was an eventful and controversial race

  10. GoogleIPO:搜索引擎的资本变数

    Google IPO : capital character of the search engine

  11. ANSYS优化设计中变数对产品性能的影响

    Influence of Variables on Product Property in ANSYS Optimizing Design

  12. 允许哪些PHP函式可作为变数修饰字的阵列。

    MODIFIER_FUNCS-This is an array of the names of permitted PHP functions used as variable modifiers .

  13. 把SPMHOST加入你的窗户环境变数和固定的变数价值是你的计算机名字。

    Add SPM_HOST to your windows environment variables and set variable value to be your computer name .

  14. 多复变数Einstein空间中的Schwarz引理

    On the Schwarz lemma in Einstein spaces of several complex variables

  15. 多复变数Cauchy型积分在角点处的极限值

    Limit Values of Cauchy Type Integral of Several Complex Variables at Angular Point

  16. 相互独立两GAMMA分布随机变数之和、差的联合分布函数

    The joint distribution function of the sum and difference of two gamma distributed random variables independent of each other

  17. 多复变数Bloch空间上的复合算子

    Composition Operators on the Bloch Space of Several Complex Variables

  18. 多复变数函数的Schwarz引理

    Schwarz lemma in the theory of functions of several complex variables

  19. 中国区总裁王荣祥离职VOLVO汽车国产计划再生变数

    The Demission of Volvo CEO In China

  20. 利用CauChy判别法证明复变数幂级数的柯西&阿达玛定理。

    With Cauchy theorem the paper proved the Cauchy & Hadamard theorem of complex variables and power series .

  21. 给出了参变数优化问题的向量Lagrange函数和向量Kuhn-Tucker条件。

    Secondly , vector Lagrange function and vector Kuhn-Tucker condition for optimization with parameters are presented .

  22. 目前,对于GAMMA分布随机变数的函数的分布函数研究得不甚深入。

    At present , the problem of determining the distribution function of Gamma distributed random variables 's function , has not yet been well solved .

  23. PCI术中病变数,其中三支病变数高危组占66.6%,中危组31.1%,低危组没有;

    PCI outcomes showed that three artery stenosis was 66.6 % in high risk group , 31.1 % in medial , none found in low risk group ;

  24. 多复变数中的一个猜测多复变情形的Hurwitz定理

    A Conjecture on Several Complex Number Hurwitz Theorem for Several Complex Variables

  25. 不过最近iPad(平板电脑)和其他一些新变数对PC市场产生了巨大的影响,王振堂表示。

    But more recently the iPad [ tablet computer ] and other new form factors have had a very big impact on the PC market , Mr Wang said .

  26. 利用UG变数化技术建立客车主模型,可以缩短开发周期、降低开发成本、提高设计质量。

    When creating bus body main model making use of UG s geometric parametric technical , we can shorten the development period , reduce the cost and improve the quality of design .

  27. 由于没有校正像差的变数,KBA显微镜存在球差和慧差,但和KB结构相比,像差大大减少了。

    Since there are no variations for correctiong aberrations , sperical aberration and coma still exist . However comparing to KB , aberrations are reduced greatly .

  28. 设计一种用于IDDT测试的BIST测试向量生成器,它随机产生跳变数为1~2的测试向量对。

    A BIST test pattern generator for IDDT testing design . it can random generate a set of test pairs with 1 ~ 2 switches .

  29. 根据对WindowsVista最新测试版的初步评估,微软(Microsoft)已向着全面完成该计算机操作系统迈进了一大步,不过该公司自己设定的最终发布日期仍存在变数。

    Microsoft has taken a big step towards completing Windows Vista , though its own self-imposed deadline for releasing the computer operating system still hangs in the balance , according to early reviews of the latest test version of the software .

  30. 并对于物价水平有较密切关系的变数,进行pearson相关系数分析,而后进行回归分析以便了解变数间的相关程度。

    The paper also analyzes , with the pearson correlation coefficient , the variables relevant to the price standard , and then with the regression analysis , the correlation extent of the variables .