
  • 网络the metamorphosis;Die Verwandlung
  1. 最终的设计灵感来自卡夫卡的短篇小说《争吵》(DescriptionofaStruggle)——不过他在作品中也加入了《变形记》的隐喻。

    The final concept was inspired by a Kafka short story called " Description of a Struggle " - though it turns out that he inserted quasi-hidden references to " Metamorphosis " as well .

  2. 我还参观了位于布拉格小城社区的弗朗茨卡夫卡博物馆(KafkaMuseum),希望找到《变形记》的艺术品和信息。

    I stopped into the Franz Kafka Museum , in the Mala Strana neighborhood , hoping to find a treasure trove of " Metamorphosis " artifacts and information .

  3. 绝望者的寓言&从《变形记》和《现实一种》看卡夫卡对余华的影响

    The Parable of The Despair : Influence of KAFKA on YU-hua

  4. 碎裂的家庭影像&解读《变形记》中的兄妹关系

    On the relationship between brother and sister in The Metamorphosis

  5. 不合情理的意外&试论《变形记》的反传统、反艺术性

    Unreasonable " Beyond Expectation ": Anti-traditional and Anti-artistic Nature in The Metamorphosis

  6. 我询问了是否有与《变形记》有关的隐喻。

    I asked about possible " Metamorphosis " allusions .

  7. 浅论《变形记》中主人公的死亡意义

    On Death of the Hero in Deformed Man

  8. 从《变形记》看卡夫卡的否定艺术

    On the Anti-art from Kafka 's Metamorphosis

  9. 论《变形记》中的生存意识

    The Sense of Survival from Become Deformed

  10. 并不是所有危机驱动的改革都如通用电气或花旗变形记那么引人注目。

    Not all crisis-driven change is as eye-catching as the metamorphosis of a ge or Citi .

  11. 人性的复归之路&读《变形记》和《我是谁?》

    Recovery road to human nature & On " The Metamorphosis " and " Who am I ?";

  12. 本文试图另辟蹊径,从审美接受的角度探讨《变形记》这部作品震撼心灵的内在秘密。

    This paper tries another way , from the aesthetic point of view of acceptance of this work traumatic internal secret .

  13. 弗兰茨·卡夫卡的《变形记》是一部现代文学的早期作品,所讲述的故事虽然短小精悍但却震撼有力。

    A major piece in early modernist literature , The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a short , simple yet powerful story .

  14. 卡夫卡曾在日记中抱怨,就因为公司安排的一次出差,让《变形记》的结尾不尽如人意。

    he complained in his diary that a company business trip was the reason the ending of " The Metamorphosis " was so unsatisfying .

  15. 奥维德罗马诗人,以其对爱的研究,尤其是爱的艺术(公元前1年)和变形记(公元8年)而闻名。

    Roman poet known for his explorations of love , especially the Art of Love ( c.1 b.c. ) and Metamorphoses ( c.a.d.8 ) .

  16. 《活动变人形》可以说是一部现代中国某些知识分子的《变形记》。

    The book of " activity transforms the person 's ", it seems to be some modern Chinese intellect 's " record of transforming " .

  17. 异化:人类历史转型期的永久困惑&《变形记》与《一地鸡毛》主人公异化比较及其思考

    Everlasting confusion in the changing Periods of the Civilization History & the Comparing and Pondering on the heroes in Metamorphoses and Scattered Chicken Feather over the Ground

  18. 来源于奥维德《变形记》的长篇叙事抒情诗《维纳斯与阿都尼》就表现了文艺复兴时期人文主义者从提倡欲望转而提倡理性,最终达到理欲和谐的思想。

    His long narrative poem Venus and Adonis borrowed from Ovid 's Metamorphoses exhibits Renaissance humanists'advocacy of desire to reason and ultimately attaining harmony of the two .

  19. 就在我向马利绍娃女士告别之前,她从塑料箱子里抽出一本书,是《变形记》的第一个版本;

    Just before I said goodbye to Ms. Malisova , she pulled out a book in a plastic container . It was a first printing of " The Metamorphosis " ;

  20. 卡夫卡的《变形记》以独具特色的艺术手法表现了被社会障碍所摧毁的个人的孤独无援的心理,具有浓厚的时代色彩。

    Using distinctive artistic technique , Kafka 's The Tale of Deformation expresses individual lonely and helpless emotion destroyed by social barrier , which has strong feature of the time .

  21. 本文从影响研究的角度,以《变形记》和《现实一种》为例,分析奥地利作家卡夫卡对中国先锋派作家余华的影响。

    This article analyses the influence of Austrian writer Kafka on Yu - hua who is one of the Chinese vanguard writers in the style of'The Metamorphosis'and a kind of reality .

  22. 然后,文中运用深层心理学理论分析研究《变形记》中卡夫卡的探索自我的生存意识。

    After that , this thesis studies the " probing oneself " of the sense of survival in Franz Kaftans ' Become Deformed on the basis of theory of the deep-psychology .

  23. 狼人:古罗马诗人奥维德在他的《变形记》中描绘了古典神话中狼人的原型——阿卡迪亚王吕卡翁,由于触怒天神宙斯而被变成了一匹狼。

    Werewolf : The original werewolf of classical mythology , Lycaon , a king of Arcadia who , according to Ovid 's Metamorphoses , was turned into a ravenous wolf by Zeus .

  24. 在卡夫卡的笔下(以《变形记》、《乡村医生》、《在流刑营》和《饥饿艺术家》为解读文本),孤独源于无法展开的交流。

    For him , loneliness ( as described in his Metamorphosis , A Country Doctor , In the Penal Colony and A Hunger Artist ) originates from the failure of communication between people .

  25. 什克拉巴尔没有带我们去的卡夫卡故居位于Parizska大街30号,就是《变形记》的创作地点——那栋建筑在1945年被毁;

    The one Kafka home Mr. Skrabal didn 't take me to was Parizska 30 , where the writer lived when he wrote " The Metamorphosis " - that building was destroyed in 1945 ;

  26. 《母猪女郎》与《变形记》在故事类型上有相似之处,都采用了人变动物的故事类型;在主题上,也都涉及到现代社会中的异化问题。

    There are some similarities between 《 Sow Sheila 》 and 《 Deformation Notes 》: They all adopt the story style of human becoming animal and touch down to dissimilation issue in modern society .

  27. 本文在承认西方现代文学作品《变形记》中荒诞的真实性的同时,剖析了荒诞产生的原因,并呼吁现代社会人类应正视荒诞,拯救人性。

    While admitting western modern literary works fantastic authenticity in being The Metamorphosis , author have analyzed the fantastic reason to produce , and call upon the modern social mankind to face absurdity , saving the human nature .

  28. 本文从思想和艺术两方面分析了卡夫卡小说《变形记》的风格特色,在此基础上,论述了《变形记》在20世纪欧洲文学史上的价值和意义。

    This paper , from the two respects of ideology and art , analyzes the writing style of the novel The Metamorphosis , by Franz Kafka , and based on the basis , sets forth the value and significance of The Metamorphosis in European literature histories in the twentieth century .