
  • 网络metamorphic rock;metamorphic;metamorphicrock;rock
  1. Q型聚类分析在变质岩系化学分层中的应用

    The application of Q-type cluster analysis in dividing metamorphic rock series based on chemistry composition

  2. 近期通过1∶5万区调,根据粘土矿物X粉晶测试及岩石显微结构鉴定等成果,将其归属于极低级变质岩。

    Recent 1:50,000 regional geological surveying indicates that it should belong to extremely weak metamorphic rock in terms of X-ray powder pattern of clay minerals and microtectonics .

  3. 利用超高压变质岩的P波速度估算地下岩石的热导率

    Prediction of Thermal Conductivity of Underground Rocks from P-Wave Velocity of Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks

  4. 大别山变质岩锆石微区稀土元素和Th,U特征

    Zircon REE and Th , U Characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks from the Dabie Mountains

  5. 微量元素、稀土元素和H、O同位素特征表明,白云鄂博群浅变质岩为矿源岩。

    The combination characteristics of microelements , REE , H , O isotopes support that metallogenic materials came from the epimetamorphic rocks of Baiyun'ebo Group .

  6. 本文对相山火山塌陷盆地基底变质岩U的丰度及赋存形式进行了研究。

    The abundance and the existence form of uranium in basement metamorphic rocks of Xiangshan volcanic collapse basin have been studied .

  7. 高级变质岩中Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta的ICP-MS准确分析

    Accurate Analysis of Zr , Hf , Nb and Ta in High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks with ICP-MS

  8. 变质岩中锆石经历了Pb的扩散丢失作用;晶格损伤导致的蜕晶化作用;

    Zircon from metamorphic rocks may suffer from Pb diffusion loss , metamictization caused by lattice radiation damage , overgrowth mixing and recrystallization .

  9. 内蒙古大青山地区早前寒武纪变质岩的锆石Hf同位素组成和稀土模式

    Hf Isotope Composition and REE Pattern of Zircons from Early Precambrian Metamorphic Rocks in the Daqing Mountains , Inner Mongolia

  10. 对超高压变质岩中O、C、H等同位素的研究进一步表明,超高压变质作用过程中并无大规模流体活动,大气水的O同位素成分可被带到地幔深处而不改变;

    Fluids were not active and oxygen isotope composition of meteoric water could be preserved during UHPM process , as is evidenced by O , C , and H isotope data ;

  11. 辽西&赤峰一带太古代变质岩中锆石U-Pb年龄

    The Zircon U-Pb Ages of Archean Metamorphic Rocks in Western Liaoning Province-Chifeng Area

  12. 中国南方部分中浅变质岩系的Rb-Sr年龄及其意义的探讨

    Rb-Sr ages of some moderately-weakly metamorphosed rocks in South China

  13. 内蒙集宁群变质岩系U-Pb和Rb-Sr协同位素年龄的讨论

    U-Pb and Rb-Sr isotopic age study of the Jining Group from nel Mongol of China

  14. 中国东部东海地区超高压变质岩构造变形事件的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年与超高压变质岩折返过程的重建

    ~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar Dating of Deformation Events and Reconstruction of Exhumation of Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks in Donghai , East China

  15. 变质锆石成因的岩相学研究&高级变质岩U-Pb年龄解释的基本依据

    Petrographical study of metamorphic zircon : basic roles in interpretation of U-Pb age of high grade metamorphic rocks

  16. 赣中变质岩带的矿物化学特征及其P-T轨迹的构造意义

    Mineral-chemistry characteristics and tectonic significance of P-T path of metamorphic rock belt in central Jiangxi province

  17. 苏鲁超高压变质带南部浅变质岩的全岩Rb-Sr同位素年龄

    Whole Rock Sb-Sr Isotopic Age of Epimetamorphic Rocks in South Sulu UHP Metamorphic Belt

  18. 大别山高级变质岩云母Rb-Sr等时线年龄测定及其地质意义

    Rb-Sr Mica Dating of High-grade Metamorphic Rocks from the Dabie Mountains and Its Geological Significance

  19. CCSD超高压变质岩绿辉石中的石英出溶体及其大陆动力学意义

    Quartz Exsolutions in Omphacites of Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphic Rocks from CCSD and Its Significance of Geodynamics

  20. 大别山北缘晚石炭世沉积物中高Si含量碎屑多硅白云母的发现指示其沉积物源区可能出露有高压-超高压的变质岩。

    Detrital phengites of high Si contents occurred in the Late Carboniferous sediments in the northern margin of the Dabie Shan , indicating HP - UHP metamorphic rocks were possibly exposed to the source area .

  21. 成矿温度条件下的水&岩作用地球化学模拟计算结果也表明,富含CO2气体的流体有利于火山岩及变质岩中铀的迁出。

    Geochemical simulation calculation result of water-rock interaction at temperature condition of metallogenesis also shows that fluid with rich CO2 gas conduces to uranium migration from volcanic rock and metamorphic rock . 5 .

  22. 河北滦县一带含铁变质岩系K-Ar等时年龄值及其地质年代意义

    K-Ar Isochronous Age of Ferruginous Metamorphic Rock Formation in Luan County , Hebei Province and Its Geological Significance

  23. 南岭基底变质岩富含W、Sn、Nb、Ta等成矿元素,它们是华南(特别是南岭地区)含矿花岗岩中成矿元素富集的最主要物质来源。

    The Nanling Range basement metamorphic rocks contain abundant W , Sn , Nb and Ta , and hence serve as the most important ore-forming element source of the Hongshan granite .

  24. 根据最新分析结果计算出岩浆岩、沉积岩和变质岩碘的平均含量分别为18.8、724、166.9(ng/s)。

    The average I contents for magmatite , sedimentary rock and metamorphous rock are 18-8 , 724 and 166.9 ng / g. . respectively , calculated from the latest analytical results .

  25. 对大别-苏鲁造山带27个高级变质岩(以榴辉岩和片麻岩为主)中锆石进行了337次微区离子探针U,Th和Pb测定和U-Pb年龄研究。

    337 zircon U , Th and Pb contents , and Pb isotopic compositions of 27 high-grade metamorphic rocks , mainly eclogites and gneisses from Dabie-Sulu orogen were analyzed by using ion micro-probe technique .

  26. 热离子质谱测定的颗粒级锆石U-Pb不一致年龄数据处理的多边形准则&以大别山和东昆仑山深变质岩为例

    Polygonal rule for assessing the discordant U-Pb data of single-grain zircon by tims ∶ taking high-grade metamorphic rocks from Dabie and East Kunlun Mountains as examples

  27. 根据全井眼地层微电阻率扫描测井(FMI)及常规测井信息,将该变质岩潜山油藏储集层划分为4类:①网状缝-溶孔型;

    Reservoirs in this area can be classified into 4 types with FMI and porosity log information : ① network-dissolved fracture reservoir ;

  28. 研究区基底变质岩系应力变形机制为伸展横向置换作用,其变形结果是应变椭球体的X、Y轴应变量同时增大,而Z轴应变量减小,即X>Y>1>Z,结果是面理比线理发育。

    The deformation mechanism of the basement metamorphic series is transversal tectono-transposition of extension regime . The result is the X-axis and Y-axis of the strain ellipsoid extended , while the Z-axis shortened . That is X > Y > 1 > Z.

  29. 五台山早前寒武纪变质岩中的白云母属二八面体的2M型多型变体,其中五台群中的白云母为富含绿鳞石分子的普通白云母,滹沱群为多硅白云母。

    The muscovites from Precambrian metamorphic rocks in Wutai Shan belong to the 2M-polytype of dioctahedrom : those from Wutai group are common muscovites rich in celedonite and those from Hutuo group are phengite .

  30. 鄂西黄陵地区太古宙变质岩La-Ce同位素体系

    La-Ce isotopic systematics of Archean metamorphics from huangling , western Hubei