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  1. 刚强劲健的中国龙&周易乾卦六龙发微

    Vigorous and Sturdy Dragon of China ── The Six Dragons from Qian in I - Ching

  2. 本文在结合宇宙生成论的基础上,对乾卦彖辞语序提出了自己的看法。

    Based on the Birth Theory of the Universe , the author will bring up her own opinion by this paper .

  3. 先贤用天象来解释乾卦六龙,但由于未涉及具体的星宿证据,不能断定乾卦爻辞只能来自与苍龙有关的天象。

    As they did not illustrate specific constellations as evidence , we can not assure that the line statements are necessarily related to the " green dragon " in the sky .

  4. 本文认为乾卦六爻爻辞所说的“六龙”各种状态是苍龙星在一个回归年中所运动的不同天象。

    This paper advocates that the six states of the dragon described in the hexagram of Qian are six celestial phenomena of the star of the green dragon in a tropical year .