
  • 网络emperor Qianlong;qianlong emperor
  1. 乾隆帝曾试图改变该领域中的混乱状况。

    Emperor Qianlong had tried hard to change this chaotic situation .

  2. 乾隆帝与西北边疆开发

    Emperor Qianlong and the Development in North - western China

  3. 论乾隆帝出兵台湾的战略得失

    Qianlong Dispatched Troops in Strategy Success or Reverses in Taiwan

  4. 乾隆帝与新疆高朴玉石案

    The Emperor of Qian Long and Gao Pu Jade Case in Xinjiang

  5. 乾隆帝为挽救“国语骑射”而进行的种种努力仅收到一定成效。

    Efforts made by Emperor Qianlong to save them had no practical result .

  6. 评乾隆帝致英王乔治三世的敕谕

    On the Imperial Edicts Written to the English Emperor George ⅲ by the King Qianlong

  7. 《皇朝礼器图式》是乾隆帝钦命绘制的一部与清礼息息相关的器物图谱。

    Huangchao liqi tushi ( Illustrations of Imperial Ritual Paraphernalia ) was anillustrated inventory of court ritual items commissioned by the Qianlong Emperor .

  8. 清将福康安是乾隆帝的宠臣,也是平定台湾林爽文事件的功臣。

    Fukang-an , a general in Qing dynasty , was a pet subject of Emperor Qianlong as well as the hero for suppressing the rebel of Lin Shuangwen .

  9. 历史上的康熙帝的第六次南巡与乾隆帝的第一次南巡,相隔四十四年;

    In history , there is an interval of 44 years , between the sixth southern patrol of Emperor Kang Xi and the first southern patrol of Emperor Qian Long .

  10. 经过历代的发展,至清代尤其是乾隆帝统治时期,煤炭业取得了前所未有的长足的发展。

    Prior to the development through the ages , when Qing Dynasty especially during the reign of the Emperor Qianlong , the coal industry has made an unprecedented and substantial development .

  11. 和同一时代其他情节相近的陋规案比较,乾隆帝处置海口陋规案异常严苛,有错综复杂的政治背景。

    By further comparing with other cases happening in Qianlong period , it discusses the characteristics of Emperor Qianlong when dealing with the seaport inside story and their complex political background .

  12. 乾隆帝回避对清政权合法性问题的讨论,则体现出清帝更为成熟、理性的统治策略。

    Emperor Qianlong avoided the issue on the validity of Qing 's rule , showing that the ruling strategy of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty had grown more mature and rational .

  13. 清乾隆帝致英王乔治三世的两道敕谕,是鸦片战争前中外关系与航海贸易史上的著名文献。

    Two copies of the imperial edicts , written to the english Emperor George ⅲ by King Qianlong in the Qing dynasty , are famous documents for historians of China 's foreign relations and trade before the Opium War .

  14. 清朝统治的腐朽:乾隆帝在位60年,继承前代的基业,注意发展农业,加强对边疆的统治,使统一多民族国家进一步发展,史称“乾隆盛世”。

    The corrupt Qing Government Emperor : Qianlong had been in the throne for sixty years . He inherited the former emperors course and stressed on the development of agriculture and strengthened the control on the frontiers , which made the united multi-nationality country develop further . So the period of Qianglong was called " a period of prosperity . "