
  1. 果椭圆球形,长2-3.5厘米,直径1.5-3厘米,乾时黑色。

    Fruit ellipsoidal , 2-3.5 cm long , 1.5-3 cm in diameter , black when dry .

  2. 在乾旱时,每天有几小时停止供应自来水。

    The water is turn off for several hour a day during the drought .

  3. 公共车道逢雨便一片泥泞,夏季乾旱时还会刮起沙尘暴。

    Now the bus lane turns into a muddy quagmire on rain days , while the winds after a summer drought kick up dust storms .

  4. 乾季时,土壤颗粒及植物缓慢沉淀到浅水湖泊及沼泽底部,最后形成蓝色的黏土及褐煤。

    During the dry season , soil particles and plant matter would have settled slowly to the bottom of the shallow lakes and swamps , eventually forming the blue clays and lignite .

  5. 此外,并以断水处理来了解牛樟苗面临乾旱环境时的生理表现。

    Furthermore , I also conducted a water-withholding experiment to see the physiological responses of the cutting seedlings under droughty condition .