
  • 网络bronze sword
  1. 突然,我注意墙上有一把青铜剑。

    Suddenly , I noticed there was a bronze sword on the wall .

  2. 浅论黑龙江省出土的青铜剑

    The Bronze Sword Unearthed in Heilongjiang Province

  3. 考古学家已经发现了这样铸成的古代青铜剑和其它兵器。

    Archaeologists have discovered ancient bronze swords and other weapons , made by casting in this manner .

  4. 车上的甲士一般配备有青铜剑用于防身,在战车毁坏或敌人跃上战车时作贴身战斗。

    Jiashi car equipped with bronze swords used for general self-defense , jumped in the car or enemy tanks destroyed , when for close combat .

  5. 1997年,在浙江省绍兴市出土了一件春秋时期的青铜剑,剑身铸有铭文40字,是目前知出土青铜剑中铭文字数量多的一件。

    A bronze sword of the Spring and Autumn Period unearthed in Shaoxing , Zhejiang in1997carries an inscription of40characters , the longest among the bronze sword inscriptions ever reported .

  6. 东周青铜复合剑制作技术研究

    Study on bimetallic bronze swords in ancient China Discussion on Sword Skills

  7. 古代民族用青铜制成矛、剑、头盔、铃、号角、战车、椅子、锅、盘等许多青铜制品。

    Ancient peoples made spears , swords , helmets , bells , horns , chariots , chairs , pots , pans and a host of other things from bronze .