
shēnɡ wù qì hòu xué
  • bioclimatology
  1. 有人认为,生物气候学是一门复杂的学科。

    It is considered that bioclimatology is an involved subject .

  2. 系统地介绍了高层建筑的生物气候学设计方法。

    This article systematically introduces the skyscraper bioclimatic design approach .

  3. 建筑景观与气候的共生&生物气候学建筑景观设计

    Architecture , landscape and climate in symbiosis : landscape design of bioclimatic architecture

  4. 高层建筑的生物气候学&杨经文设计理论研究

    Researches on Kenneth Yeang 's Design Theory

  5. 生态脆弱区的生物气候学建筑景观设计&河西走廊古浪地区景观规划

    Bioclimatic architecture and landscape design in weak-ecosystem region & Landscape plan of gulang in Hexi corridor

  6. 浙江临海地区中华按蚊自然感染马来丝虫及其生物气候学的研究

    Studies on natural infection with Wuchereria malayi and the bionomics relation to climate of Anopheles HYRCANUS sinensis wied . in linhai , chekiang Province

  7. 正因为此,这种牛非常有利于研究长期提早入春的生物气候学效应(生命的季节周期反应)。

    The cattle are thus an excellent source of long-term info on how earlier springs affect what 's called phenology - seasonal lifecycle events .

  8. 在环境恶化和能源日益不足的情况下,当代建筑因为生物气候学和可持续发展标准的引入产生了越来越大的变化,生态建筑已经逐渐发展成为一种趋势。

    In the case of the gradually deteriorated environment and the laked energy , it takes great changes into the architecture with the coming of the biology climatology and sustainability standard .

  9. 竺可桢终生追求科学与民主,在台风和季风气象研究、气候学、生物气候学、天然区划研究、自然资源综合考察、科学史等方面做出了开拓性的贡献。

    He pursued science and democracy his entire life , making ground-breaking contributions in the fields of typhoon and monsoon meteorological research , climatology , phenology , natural divisions study , natural resources integrated investigation , and the history of science .

  10. 在中国,美国建筑公司帕金斯威尔事务所采用生物气候学方法设计了新的上海自然历史博物馆,尽管博物馆在画廊区开空调以保护艺术品不受潮,但是博物馆也设有自动窗户和天窗,让公共区域可以自然通风。

    In China , American architecture firm Perkins & Will took a bioclimatic approach to the new Shanghai Natural History Museum -- while the building provides air-conditioning in gallery areas to protect the artwork from humidity , it also has automated windows and skylights to naturally ventilate public areas .

  11. 围绕这些问题,古地质、古生物和古气候学界在最近几年展开了广泛的研究和激烈争论。

    In the past few years , these problems have drawn extensive studies and intensive controversies in the fields of paleo-geology , paleontology , and paleoclimatology .

  12. LAI作为叶片的重要物理属性参数,是描述陆地表面相关进程模型的主要输入参数,被广泛应用到了生态学、生物地球化学、气候学等相关研究领域。

    LAI as an important parameter of foliage , playing a significant role in land surface processes model , is widely applied to the relevant field of ecology , biogeochemistry and climate study .