
  • 网络plant introduction
  1. 协调统一原则在植物引种驯化中的应用

    The Principle of Coordination and Unification About Plant Introduction and Acclimatization

  2. 植物引种驯化过程中的病虫害问题及其防治对策

    Pest problems and its management strategies of plant introduction and acclimatization

  3. 美人蕉属(Canna)植物引种与品种分类研究

    Studies on the Introduction and Cultivar Classification of Canna

  4. 论生物入侵与园林植物引种

    On Relations between the BioInvasion and the Introduction of Landscape Plants

  5. 南岳野生保护植物引种驯化的研究

    Study on introduction and domestication of wild conservation plants in Nanyue

  6. 海南岛棕榈科植物引种驯化的研究

    Study on Introducing and Acclimating of Palmaceae Plants in Hainan Island

  7. 彩色观赏植物引种推广技术研究

    Studies on the Introduction and Spread Technology of Multicolor Ornamental Plants

  8. 园林植物引种驯化试验报告

    A trial report on introduction and domestication of landscaping plants

  9. 沈阳地区木兰科植物引种栽培试验

    Experiments on introduction and cultivation of magnolias in Shenyang region

  10. 长白山野生观赏植物引种与栽培试验

    Experiments of Introduction and Cultivation for Wild Garden Plants in Changbai Mountains

  11. 最后探讨了野生花卉植物引种栽培的应用前景。

    Finally , applied prospects of domesticating wild ornamental plants are researched .

  12. 我国固沙植物引种的历史及展望

    The Past and Future of Introduction of Sand-holding Plant Species in China

  13. 八种珍稀濒危植物引种试验

    Introduction of Eight Endangered or Rare Plant Species in Minqin Desert Area

  14. 植物引种与生物入侵

    On Relations between Plant Introductions and the Bio - invasion

  15. 丽水山地乡土野生植物引种栽培与园林应用

    Introduction Cultivation and Application in landscape of Native Plants of Lishui City

  16. 本文对报春花属植物引种的历史和现状、育种途径和育种成果进行了综述。

    The methods and achievements of primula breeding are reviewed .

  17. 湖南植物引种历史、现状和前景

    The history , present and prospect of plant introduction in Hunan province

  18. 药用植物引种工作的成就和经验浅见

    Achievement and Experience in the Introduction of Medicinal Plants

  19. 栎属植物引种初报

    The Studies on the Introduction of the Quercus Genus

  20. 浙南木本植物引种驯化

    Introduction and Domestication of Woody Plants in Southern Zhejiang

  21. 厦门观赏棕榈植物引种影响因素的研究

    Ecological Factors Affecting Introduction of Ornamental-Palm Plants in Xiamen

  22. 植物引种与外来物种入侵的探讨

    Discussion on Plant Introduction and Invasion of Alien Species

  23. 论丁香属植物引种的现状与前景

    The present condition and Prospect of introduction of lilacs

  24. 珍稀濒危植物引种保存的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the introduction and preserving of the rare and endangered plants

  25. 植物引种驯化的区系学研究

    Floristic Study on Introduction and Domestication of Plants

  26. 几种红树植物引种试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Introduction of Several Superior Mangroves

  27. 植物引种驯化研究概述

    A summary on plant introduction and acclimatization research

  28. 昆明基地珍稀濒危植物引种驯化

    Introducing a Fine Variety and Acclimation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Kunming Base Place

  29. 这对植物引种和树种选择有一定的指导意义。

    The results above had conductive significance for plant introduction and selection of tree species .

  30. 黄河游览区植物引种驯化初报

    He report on plants drawing in and taming on the Huanghe river 's tourist area