
  • 网络the plant succession
  1. 土壤理化性质的动态变化与植物演替相适应。

    The variation of soil properties adapted well to each successive community .

  2. 研究早白垩世植物演替与气候变化对认识现今生态环境形成过程与演变具有重要意义。

    The research on the Cretaceous climate and vegetation is fundamental to understand the present environment .

  3. 植物演替过程,也是物种对土壤肥力逐渐适应、改造及不同物种在不同肥力梯度下相互竞争和代替的过程。

    The vegetation succession is a process which species gradually adapt and improve to the soil fertility , and different species compete and displace mutual in different soil fertility grads .

  4. 研究不同生长发育阶段杉木林林下植物演替过程的动态特征,结果表明:偶然种伴生阶段(幼龄林阶段),林下植物种类组成和数量第一次繁荣,结构比较简单;

    The dynamic characterristics of succession process of undergrowth plants in different aged Chinese fir plantations were studied . The results showed that in accompanying stage of accidental species , undergrowth plant species and quantities flourished first , and the structure was very simple .

  5. 结果如下:将安太堡矿的植物群落演替划分为三个阶段,在第一阶段即复垦初期(1~3a),物种组成较单一,群落结构不稳定,群落层次分化不明显;

    The results show that the succession is classified into three stages . In the first stage , the composition of species is simple and the structure of community is unstable .

  6. 利用最优分割法、Q型系统聚类法结合孢粉图式对孢粉带进行了划分,认为该区晚更新世以来的植物群落演替及气候变化经历了9个阶段。

    The sporo-pollen zones were divided by means of the optimization division , the Q-system cluster analysis and the sporo-pollen diagram , and we hold that the succession of the vegetational communities and the changes in climate have undergone nine stages in the area studied .

  7. 用DCA排序研究了黄土丘陵区撂荒地上植物群落演替的趋势和方向,用6种多样性指数分析了物种丰富度、均匀度和综合多样性在演替过程中的变化。

    The Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) was employed to analyze the trend and direction of plant community succession of abandoned loess land . Seven species diversity indices were used to study the changes in species richness , species evenness and diversity in the succession .

  8. 植物群落演替与土壤发展之间的关系

    The relationship between the plant communities succession and the soil development

  9. 武汉东湖水生植物群落演替的研究

    Succession and species replacement of aquatic plant community in East Lake

  10. 人工重建的水生植物群落演替动态研究

    On dynamics in the succession of artificial aquatic macrophyte community reconstruction

  11. 镇江内江湿地植物群落演替动态研究

    Dynamics in the succession of vegetation communities in inner-river wetland in Zhenjiang

  12. 高寒草甸植物群落演替过程物种多样性和化学计量学动态分析

    The Dynamic of Biodiversity and Stoichiometry along the Succession of Alpine Meadow

  13. 轻耙处理对退化草原植物群落演替的影响

    Effect of Community Succession in Degenerated Steppe after Light Harrow

  14. 枯枝落叶层对盐碱化草地植物群落演替的作用

    The Effect of Litter on Succession of Plant Community in Saline-Alkali Grassland

  15. 山地草原人工草场植物群落演替动态

    Succession dynamic of plant communities of the artificial pastures

  16. 巴音布鲁克草原不同围封年限高寒草地植物群落演替分析

    The Succession of Plant Communities in Alpine Grasslands in Different Ages of Enclosing

  17. 山东省济南市石灰岩山地植物群落演替特征

    Succession Characteristics of Plant Community in Limestone Mountainous Region of Jinan in Shandong Province

  18. 高寒草甸地区小哺乳动物群落与植物群落演替关系的研究

    Studies on the successive relation between small mammal community and plant community in alpine meadow

  19. 晋北低中山撂荒地植物群落演替研究

    Study on Succession of Plant Communities on Abandoned Lands in the Northwest Shanxi , China

  20. 种间联结分析是研究植物群落演替的一种有效方法。

    Interspecific association analysis is an efficient method to study the succession of plant communities .

  21. 群落自组织、自我施肥能力增强与植物群落演替规律相适应。

    The improved soil condition was more suitable to the community of the next succession stages .

  22. 镇江内江河漫滩草地植物群落演替过程中优势种间的竞争特性

    Competitive Characteristics of Dominant Species in Plant Community Succession Process in Inner-river Flood Plain Grassland in Zhenjiang

  23. 植物群落演替过程中植物生理生态学特性及其主要环境因子的变化

    Advances in plant succession ecophysiology

  24. 陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕地植物群落演替规律及物种多样性动态研究

    Vegetation Succession and Species Diversity Dynamics of the Plant Communities in the Loess Hilly and Gully Region

  25. 黄土丘陵沟壑区植物群落演替和土壤侵蚀及其地貌演化趋势研究

    Study on Plant Community Succession , Soil Erosion and Trend of Geomorphic Evolution in the Loess Hilly and Gully Resion

  26. 根据恢复生态学中植物群落演替理论、生物多样性理论,对岩石边坡植被护坡的恢复机理进行了分析。

    According to the restoration ecology , especially plant community succession and biodiversity theory , restoration regulation of slope eco-engineering is analyzed .

  27. 生命的历史是漫长攸久的演替过程表征着植物群落演替进化的周期性特征,即“演替-分化-灭绝-突变-进化”的过程。

    The history of biosis is the longtime process of succession characterizing the cyclical features of the succession and evolution of plant communities : succession-differentiation-extinction-evolution .

  28. 以浙江02省道西延工程玲珑至昌化段公路为例,通过调查公路沿线山区边坡及公路坡面自然植被和人工植被恢复状况,总结了公路边坡植物群落演替规律。

    Succession regulation of plant community along slope of Provincial Road 02 was summarized based on the investigation of natural and artificial vegetation this area .

  29. 土壤是植物群落演替过程中重要的环境因子,是生态系统功能恢复与维持的关键指标。

    Soil , which is the vital important environment factor during plant succession , is the key index of function recovery and maintain of the eco-system .

  30. 结果表明,不同地形下弃耕地植物群落演替初期的植物生活型结构不同,主要体现在以地面芽植物或一年生植物居多。

    The results showed that the structure of plant life forms was different among landforms and the number of hemicryphtophytes or annual plants were more than others .