
  • 网络invader
  1. 不过,有一种恶名昭彰的侵入种,是藉由毒害竞争对手而取胜。

    At least one notorious invader , however , wins out by poisoning the competition .

  2. 前期定居树种和后期侵入种通过分割资源而共存,而且也趋于独立存在。

    This implied that these species were inclined to coexist independently through resource partitioning .

  3. 重要值在林分郁闭前逐渐增加而后减少的植物种组成了侵入种组,包括75种喜光植物;

    The invasive species group included 75 light-loving species , which increased their density before stand closed and afterwards decreased .

  4. 评价了外来物种不适当引入、无意间引入、自然侵入3种方式;

    Evaluates three ways of improper introduction of alien species , introduction without consciousness and natural invading ;

  5. 侵入外来种问题,急剧地减少了或替代了自然群落。

    And ( iv ) problems of invasive , alien species that can dramatically reduce or even replace natural communities .

  6. 当沃尔巴克氏体细菌侵入一种新的物种时,该昆虫所做的第一个反应就是快速而有效地摧毁内部含有这种细菌的细胞。

    When the Wolbachia get into a new species , the first response of the insect is to quickly and efficiently destroy any cells which have bacteria inside them .

  7. 岩体为5次侵入,8种岩石类型。

    It can be divided into 5 stages of intrusion and 8 types of intrusive rocks .

  8. 我参与到JAX-RS是因为我觉得它是最不具侵入性的一种帮助你编写RESTful服务的方式。

    I got involved with JAX-RS because I thought it was the least intrusive way to help you write RESTful services .

  9. 此外,在侵入前期,两种条锈菌生理小种(CY23和CY31)均可诱导保卫细胞中H2O2的积累。

    Moreover , at the pre-penetration stage , both stripe rust races ( CY23 and CY31 ) induced H2O2 accumulation in guard cells .

  10. 估算雷电流侵入设备的一种简易方法

    A kind of simple estimated method of lightning flows invading the equipments

  11. 侵入行为除了三种典型的侵入方式以外,在司法实践中又出现了新的方式。

    In addition to the three typical intrusive ways , there appears new ways of the invasive behavior in judicial practice .

  12. 本土化与全球化的冲突与纠葛,使方言影视剧找到了生长的缝隙,可以说,方言影视剧正是对国外影视剧侵入本土的一种回应。

    Just between the conflict of the above two , dialect movie TV play finds its living room . We can presume that dialect movie TV play is the positive reaction to the invasion of foreign movie TV play .