
cì dì
  • order;sequence;one after another;condition;a show of extravagance
次第 [cì dì]
  • (1) [order;sequence]∶次序

  • 宋江次第渡过 黄河北岸。--《水浒传》

  • (2) [a show of extravagance]∶排场,有气派

  • 甚是次第。--《醒世恒言》

  • (3) [condition]∶情形;景况

  • 有一座名园?唤做会节园,甚次第?--《清平山堂话本》

  • [one after another] 依一定顺序,一个挨一个地

  • 长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开。--杜牧《过华清宫绝句(之一)》

  • 次第花开

次第[cì dì]
  1. 前后没有次第的关系,最后会帮你体认出奇迹没有次第之分的意义。

    Lack of order in this connection will ultimately make the recognition of lack of order in miracles meaningful to you .

  2. 然后考证了其四部著作的先后次第及版本、内容方面的问题。

    This chapter also details the sequence , edition and content of his four books .

  3. 方法取鼠龄16~22天的Wistar大鼠,去除睾丸被膜,剪碎后用0.25%胰蛋白酶和0.1%胶原酶次第消化。

    Methods Decapsulated rat testis from 16 ~ 22 day old Wistar rats were subjected to sequential enzymatic treatment using 0.25 % trypsin and 0.1 % collagenase .

  4. 这匹马赢了两次第三次比赛和第五次比赛。

    The horse came in twice in the third and fifth races .

  5. 本次第115届会议预定于1月25日结束。

    This115th session is scheduled to conclude on25 January .

  6. 范例:我们重排一次第二幕的戏好吗?

    Could we go through ( ie rehearse ) Act 2 once more ?

  7. 芦橘杨梅次第新。

    Tangerines and waxberries consecutively can be found .

  8. 让我们思考一下这种次第的方法在发表演说中如何被运用的。

    Let 's consider here what this step-by-step method adopted in delivering a sermon .

  9. 我们重排一次第二幕的戏好吗?

    Could we go through ACT2 once more ?

  10. 这是我第七次第七次啊是啊是我第七年在中东

    This is my 7th time.7th time . Yes , 7th time in the middle east

  11. 佛次第入城,入城内再宿。

    Buddhas then go into the city one after another and spend a night there .

  12. 而第三次第四次…

    But a third and a fourth ...

  13. 由灵修社群提供的支持性环境,是解脱道次第不可或缺的一部份。

    The supportive environment provided by a spiritual community is an integral part of the path .

  14. 前言:《十药神书》用药有以下特色:用药次第有章有法;

    Miraculous Book of Ten Prescriptions has the following administration features : the methodical administration order ;

  15. 茶和咖啡次第摆好,也备了各式饼干、纯净水和气泡水。

    The teas and coffees were laid out , with a choice of biscuits and still and sparking water .

  16. 他参加了三次第二阶段考试,结果三次均未通过。

    He has had three attempts at the second part of his final exams , failing to qualify each time .

  17. 只是在次第上,直观是更为根本的方法,是演绎的来源,演绎是直观的保证。

    But intuition is a more basic method and is the origin of intuition , the deduction is the intuition guarantee .

  18. 夜晚渐渐沉寂,星光次第亮起,我会把信摊在膝头,默默等候。

    When the night grows still and stars come out one by one I will spread it on my lap and stay silent .

  19. 然后分析了次第致使与组元致使的认知语义差别与功能特征,以有助于深入探讨致使范畴的内部差异。

    Then the cognitive differences and functional characters are discussed , which can benefit the research on the inner differences of causative category .

  20. 本文建议一种多维递归数字滤波器的并行算法,其于常规次第算法相比,不造成任何附加算术运算;

    The proposed parallel algorithm of multidimensional recursive digital filtering does not cause any additional arithmetic operations , compared with the conventional sequential filter algorithm .

  21. 中国队在奥运会上取得的最好成绩是三次第八名,这样的成绩不免与渐渐强大的我国综合国力极不相称。

    In the Olympic Games , the best results China got is three eighth rank , such achievement is not fit with the overall national strength .

  22. 在触头无膜时的接触电阻有限元计算中,接触头边界条件是齐次第二类条件,自动满足,而触头含膜后,其接触头的膜边界条件不能自动满足。

    The contact boundary condition will be automatically satisfied for contacts without film , but it will be changed when the contacts are covered with film .

  23. 能够入围世界足球先生名单非常高兴,我已经做了两次第二名,如果有一天能够做第一名感觉一定非常好!

    It 's nice to be involved in the World footballing awards , I have been second twice and it would be nice to be first one day .

  24. 研究表明,黄土高原土壤崩解速率存在明显的地域分异规律,且呈现出自西北向东南次第减慢的趋势。

    The results show that soil disintegration rate on the loess plateau is faster in the north-western region than in the southeastern region It takes regional change law clearly .

  25. 慷慨,鉴别力,非常欢乐的故事,轻浮和空洞的感官乐趣和远离五欲所带结的善果是次第说教的好例子。

    Generosity , virtuosity , stories of heavenly pleasures , futility and barrenness in sensual pleasures and the good results of avoiding five sensual pleasures are examples for step-by-step sermons.10 .

  26. 本次第三产业系数研究工作与已有系数研究相比,在监测指标上更为全面,增加了氨氮、总氮、总磷、铅、汞等指标。

    The monitoring indexes of the tertiary industry of this study are more comprehensive than ever . The new indexs include ammonia nitrogen , total nitrogen , total phosphorus , lead and mercury .

  27. 第三章给出结论,主要说明无所住而生其心对人生整个修行次第的现实指导意义。

    The third chapter gives the conclusions mainly to explain the practical guiding significance on the life of the entire practice sequence from " develop a mind which does not abide in anything " .

  28. 本文以传统人物画为中心,依照由法入理、由理求道的传统学术次第,对中国画勾勒法进行了较为深入的学理探微。

    Traditional figure painting is the focus of this thesis , which deeply studies outline drawing method ( Goulefa ) in Chinese painting through traditional academic sequence , which is method to theory , and theory for spirit .

  29. 正是这两种观念的交互作用,中华传统文化才得以从中原地区向周边地区不断扩展,汉族南方各民系才得以次第形成。

    It is the interplay of the two that leads to the incessant expansion of the traditional Chinese culture from the Central Plains along the Huanghe River to peripheral areas , thereby forming the various southern population subgroups of the Han nationality in succession .

  30. 不陷于恶缘,忙碌处所,令人放逸的友伴,或任何其他通往觉悟道路的障碍,愿我以三宝为皈依,以三士道次第修行。

    Without falling prey to adverse circumstances , busy places , distracting companions , or any other such obstacle on the path to enlightenment , may I take the three jewels as my refuge and train in the gradual path for beings of the three levels of spiritual capacity !