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  1. 论坛上另外一名悉尼的成员也讲了个相似的故事,不过这一次的主人公换成了三个女人,而死者也从被插剪刀换成了用绳索勒死。

    Another forum member in Sydney reported hearing an identical story , except with three women and strangulation rather than scissors .

  2. 只是有一次,老外公在黑暗中关车门时夹住了我的手指。

    Except for the time Papaw closed the car door on my fingers in the dark , those nights were perfect adventures .

  3. 我看过一次:主人公在第三回里死了,第四回里又活了过来。

    I examined it once upon a time : the hero dies in the third chapter , while in the fourth he is alive .

  4. 第二次梵帝冈大公会议说,20世纪的历史批判主义,完全有资格可以批判,新约文体。

    The Roman Catholic Council of Vatican II said that historical criticism as it 's practiced in the twentieth century is perfectly legitimate to practice on the New Testament documents .

  5. 介绍了一种利用数域上矩阵的初等行变换求一组一元n次多项式的最大公因式的方法。

    A solution to the greatest common divisor for a class of polynomial with one un-known is derived by using the elementary row transformation of matrix in digital domain .

  6. 这一次,他的主人公不再如2012年的《林肯》(Lincoln)那样,是一位图腾般的国民英雄,而是一个名字几乎不为世人所知的小人物:詹姆斯·多诺万(JamesDonovan),由汤姆·汉克斯(TomHanks)饰演。

    His hero this time isn 't a totemic national figure , as in his 2012 film , " Lincoln , " but instead is someone whose name is barely known : James Donovan , played by Tom Hanks .

  7. 保罗的第一次审问是在公会前。

    Paul 's first trial was in front of the Sanhedrin .

  8. 有一次我的年轻公犬持续训练了10到12分钟。

    Once of our young males could go10 to12 minutes .

  9. 有一次,鲁庄公邀请他到宫中来表演。

    Once , the Duke Zhuang of Lu invited him to perform his horsemanship in the palace .