
cì lǜ suān yán
  • hypochlorite
  1. 硫酸盐浆木聚糖酶&次氯酸盐协同作用漂白

    Bleaching of KP by Synergistic Effect of Xylanase and Hypochlorite

  2. 使用次氯酸盐作疏解剂可以提高疏解效果,但是会污染环境,同时纤维受损也较严重。

    Using hypochlorite can improve the effect of fiber disintegration , but it causes environmental pollution problems and damages fiber quality .

  3. 本文研究了麦草碱法化学浆的H2O2单段漂,次氯酸盐&H2O2两段漂,探讨了影响漂白效果的主要因素;

    Bleaching of wheat straw alkaline pulp with a single H_2O_2 stage amd the two-stage hypochlorite-peroxide has been studied .

  4. 对硫酸盐法竹浆次氯酸盐-二氧化氯(HD)漂白工艺进行了研究。

    In this paper , bleaching of kraft bamboo pulp with HD short sequence was studied .

  5. 分别研究了常规和高温次氯酸盐漂白麦草浆的最佳工艺,并对高温状态下的H和HP管道连续漂白进行了探讨。

    The technology of traditional and high temperature hypochlorite bleaching wheat straw pulp was studied on , and continuous pipeline bleaching by H & HP in high temperature was discussed .

  6. HP组合漂白的较优工艺条件:次氯酸盐用量7%,H2O2用量3%,白度达78.5%ISO。

    The optimal bleaching conditions in HP sequence were hypochlorite dosage 7 % and H2O2 dosage 3 % , in which brightness of the bleached pulp was 78.5 % ISO .

  7. 孕尿中检出了胎盘型碱性磷酸酶(PALP)而非孕尿中不存在。研究中还发现,选用HAP(次氯酸盐/酸处理过氧化氢)法漂白时,也能获得较好的白度。

    A new PALP in urine of the pregnant women had been found . The brightness of bleached palp which was bleached with multistage HA & p is also satisfactory .

  8. 以含铁废料为原料,采用次氯酸盐氧化法合成了高铁酸钾,并在产品中添加一种稳定剂W,有效地提高了产品的稳定性。

    Using the waste material containing iron , potassium ferrate (ⅵ) is synthesized with the method of oxidation of hypochlorite , and a stabilizer is added into the product , which efficiently improves the stability of the product .

  9. 次氯酸盐漂和OP漂不能使枝桠材纸浆白度达到70%ISO以上,不能满足配抄胶印书刊纸的要求。

    After hypochlorite bleaching or OP bleaching , the crotch pulp cann 't be used to make offset paper because the brightness is lower than 70 % ISO . The triploid P. tomentosa carr .

  10. 实验证明:高温热处理后的TiO2,光催化活性更大,在紫外光的照射下能降低黑液的色度,化学耗氧量COD值,对次氯酸盐漂白产生的有机氯有除毒净化的作用。

    The results suggested that TiO 2 after heat treating at high temperature has more activity . By action of UV + TiO 2 , the contents of organic chlorine and colourity of pulping black liquor and bleaching medium can decreased .

  11. 第二章采用次氯酸盐氧化法制备K2FeO4,并以制得的K2FeO4与Ba(OH)2反应制备BaFeO4。

    In the second chapter , K_2FeO_4 was prepared by hypochlorite oxidation method and BaFeO_4 was synthesized by reaction of K_2FeO_4 with Ba ( OH ) _2 . The microstructure of potassium ferrate and barium ferrate were measured by IR , XRD and SEM .

  12. 采用次氯酸盐氧化法合成K2FeO4,研究了不同水质条件下其对废水中丙烯腈的去除效果及主要影响因素。

    Potassium ferrate was prepared by hypochlorite oxidation method . And the efficiency and main influential factors of AN removal in wastewater at different conditions by it were studied .

  13. GB/T3781.8-1993乙炔炭黑盐酸吸液量的测定次氯酸盐苔黑酚试验

    Acetylene black & Determination of hydrochloric acid absorption number ate-orcinol test

  14. 水杨酸&次氯酸盐测定水中氨氮方法的改进

    Method of Salicylate - hypochlorous acid Ameliorated for Determining Ammonia Nitrogen

  15. 任何钙的次氯酸盐,用作漂白剂。

    Any hypochlorite of calcium ; used as a bleaching agent .

  16. 亚铵苇浆次氯酸盐漂白添加氨基磺酸的试验

    Study on Using Sulphamic Acid in Hypochlorite Bleaching of NAS Reed Pulp

  17. 麦草两段氧碱蒸煮和氧碱浆的次氯酸盐漂白

    Two-stage alkaline-oxygen cooking of wheat straw and hypochlorite bleaching of alkaline-oxygen pulps

  18. 含钼废渣的次氯酸盐分解工艺

    The decomposing technology of chlorite in residue contained Mo

  19. 硫酸盐法竹浆次氯酸盐-二氧化氯短序漂白

    Hypochlorite-Chlorine Dioxide Short Sequence Bleaching of Kraft Bamboo Pulp

  20. 甲酚酸及其盐类和酯类次氯酸盐苔黑酚试验

    Cresotic acid and its salts and esters ate-orcinol test

  21. 氨基磺酸在次氯酸盐漂白中的应用

    Application of Amino sulfonic acid in the hypochlorite bleaching of Masson Pine kraft pulp

  22. 稻草浆次氯酸盐单段漂白管道化的工艺基础研究

    Study on the Technology of Single Stage Hypochlorite Bleaching of Rice Straw Pulp in Pipeline

  23. 研究结果表明:(1)传统的次氯酸盐氧化法在稳定合成高纯度高铁酸钾时存在不足。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) Traditional hypochlorous salt oxidation is faulty .

  24. 次氯酸盐单段漂后白度达79.9%ISO。

    The brightness of the pulp reached 79.9 % ISO by using hypochlorite single stage bleaching .

  25. 报道了酚-次氯酸盐直接显色法测定血氨。

    The appropriate conditions for direct determination of blood ammonia with phenol hypochlorite reagent are presented .

  26. 试验了氨基磺酸对马尾松硫酸盐化学木浆次氯酸盐漂白的影响。

    Effect of amino sulfonic acid on hypochlorite bleaching of masson pine kraft pulp was experimented .

  27. 研究了聚氧乙烯山梨醇酐单油酸酯(Tween80)对麦草烧碱浆次氯酸盐漂白的助漂作用。

    The effect of surfactant Tween 80 on hypochlorite bleaching of wheat straw soda pulp was investigated .

  28. 过氧化物和次氯酸盐对竹材除霉脱色效果的研究

    Study on the result of the decolorization and the fungus removal of peroxides and hypochlorites on bamboo material

  29. 亚硫酸盐蔗渣浆添加助剂的次氯酸盐漂白GB/T2433-1981添加剂和含添加剂润滑油硫酸盐灰分测定法

    Hypochlorite Bleaching of Sulfite Bagasse Pulp with Chemical Agents Determination of sulphated ash from additives and lubrication oil with additives

  30. 根据氨与次氯酸盐反应使次氯酸盐-Luminol化学发光强度降低,建立了测定氨的流动注射化学发光法。

    A flow injection system for determination of ammonia based on the chemiluminescence reaction between hypochlorite and luminol has been developed .