
xiù suān yán
  • bromate
  1. pH对去除有双重影响,一定范围内的pH能保证纳米Fe/Cu对溴酸盐的有效去除,碱性条件对去除不利。

    PH had a dual effect , nanoscale Fe / Cu could effectively reduce the bromate within a certain range and alkaline conditions were unfavorable for removal .

  2. 无机溴酸盐在B-Z反应中的双稳态和振荡行为

    Bistability and Oscillation of Inorganic Bromate in the B-Z Reaction

  3. S-(2-吡啶基-N-氧化物)-N-取代或-N,N′-双取代异硫脲氢溴酸盐的合成及抗菌活性

    Synthesis of s - ( - pyridyl - n-oxide ) n-substituted or

  4. 研究内容包括载银活性炭制备参数的优化以及溴酸盐初始浓度、pH和共存阴离子等影响因素对载银活性炭活性的影响。

    It contains the impact of optimal preparation conditions of activated carbon supported with silver and initial concentration , pH , co-anions on activated carbon supported with silver .

  5. 次溴酸盐氧化法测定水中NH4-N的改进方法

    Improved method of NH_4-N determined by hypobromite oxidation in water

  6. 近年来,光催化去除溴酸盐的研究已经开展,并以Pt/TiO2进行了初步的动力学研究,但更进一步的TiO2光催化去除溴酸盐的动力学及其影响因素仍有待研究。

    In recent years , photocatalytic removal of bromate have been carried on and preliminary kinetic study had finished for the photocatalytic reaction of Pt / TiO2 .

  7. 进一步表明SWNT是一种优良的去除溴酸盐的吸附-还原剂。

    It further confirmed the SWNT is a good reductant for the removal of bromate .

  8. 在活性炭(GAC)吸附以及微生物降解协同作用下,可以在不增加运行成本的基础上稳定、有效地控制溴酸盐。

    Under the synergism of GAC adsorption and microorganism degradation , bromate could be controlled stably and effectively without increasing operation cost .

  9. 目的:改进甲磺酸达诺沙星以及重要中间体(1S,4S)2甲基2,5二氮杂二环[221]庚烷二氢溴酸盐的合成工艺。

    Objective : To improve synthesis of antibacterial Danofloxacin Mesylate and the important intermediate ( 1S , 4S ) - 5-methyl-2,5-diazabicyclo [ 2.2.1 ] heptane .

  10. 溴酸盐是用臭氧对饮用水进行消毒时产生的一种副产物,已被国际癌症研究机构定为2B级的潜在致癌物。

    Bromate is one of the disinfection by-products produced by the ozonation of drinking water , which is considered as a potential2B-level carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer .

  11. 针对水中微量溴酸盐的测定问题,建立了一种用苯酚为衍生试剂、用HPLC-UV检测的柱外衍生测定方法。

    A new method for the determination of trace bromate in water is introduced using phenol derivatization followed by HPLC-UV detection .

  12. 简单的乳化溶剂挥发法能成功包裹高乌甲素而不是其氢溴酸盐在PLGA微球中。

    Lappaconitine instead of its hydrobromide salts has been successfully encapsulated in poly ( lactide-co-glycolide ) acid ( PLGA ) microspheres by the simple O / W emulsion solvent evaporation technique .

  13. 这些影响因素包括:纳米Fe/Cu的投加量、溴酸盐初始浓度、溶液中溶解氧含量、溶液初始pH、反应温度以及共存离子(硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、氯酸盐、磷酸盐、硫酸盐)。

    These factors include : nanoscale Fe / Cu dosage , initial concentration of bromate , the DO content in the solution , the initial solution pH , reaction temperature , and coexisting ions ( nitrate , nitrite , chlorate , phosphate , sulfate ) .

  14. 用臭氧对含溴化物的饮用水进行消毒时会生成溴酸盐副产物,溴酸盐被国际癌症研究机构定为2B级(具有较高的致癌可能性)潜在致癌物。

    Ozonation of drinking water containing bromide may lead to the formation of bromate , which is considered to be a potential 2 B-level carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) .

  15. 臭氧氧化过程中产生的一些副产物[如生物可同化有机碳(AOC)、溴酸盐和甲醛等]会影响供水水质安全性。

    Some byproducts produced in ozonation process such as biologically assimilable organic carbon ( AOC ), bromate and formaldehyde , etc . will affect the safety of drinking water .

  16. 本文研究了溴酸盐-碘化物体系的Landolt型反应在钼和钒共存时的测定方法。

    A trace vanadium can be determined by means of Landolt-typed reaction with bromate-iodide-ascorbic acid in the presence of molybdenum .

  17. 在线渗析-离子色谱法直接测定面粉及面制品中溴酸盐

    On-line Dialysis-Ion chromatographic determination of bromate in flour and its products

  18. 化学上用溴酸盐处理(一物质)

    To treat ( a substance ) chemically with a bromate .

  19. 二氧化钛光催化对水中溴酸盐降解机理的研究

    Study on the Degradation Mechanism of Bromate in Nano-TiO_2 Photocatalytic System

  20. 但是臭氧氧化后会产生具有致癌作用的溴酸盐副产物。

    But ozonation will generate bromate , a by-product which is carcinogenic .

  21. 溴酸盐生成水平判断臭氧化工艺适用性

    Evaluation on the Adaptability of Ozonation Process Based on Bromate Formation Level

  22. 饮用水中溴酸盐、亚氯酸盐、氯酸盐、溴离子的离子色谱测定法

    Determination of Bromate , Chlorite , Chlorate and Bromide in Drinking Water

  23. 胡蔓藤碱乙氢溴酸盐结构和绝对构型的测定

    Determination of Structure and Absolute Configuration of Humantenine Hydrobromide

  24. 国产离子色谱仪直接进样测定饮用水中溴酸盐

    Determination of bromate in drinking water by direct injection with Chinese-made ion chromatograph

  25. 阴离子的存在均会抑制纳米Fe/Cu对溴酸盐的去除。

    The presence of anions could inhibit the removal .

  26. 1-(4-羟基苯基)哌嗪氢溴酸盐的合成

    Synthesis of 1 - ( 4-Hydroxyphenyl ) Piperazine Hydrobromide

  27. 天然矿泉水中溴酸盐快速检测方法的研究

    The Study on Methods of Fast Determination on Bromate in the Mineral Water

  28. 柱后反应-离子色谱法测定饮用水中的溴酸盐

    Using Ion Chromatography with the Addition of a Postcolumn Reagent for Trace Bromate Analysis

  29. 臭氧消毒中溴酸盐的形成、检测与控制

    Formation , Detection and Control of Bromate in the Ozone Disinfection of Drinking Water

  30. 饮用水臭氧活性炭处理工艺中溴酸盐的生成与去除研究

    Research on Formation and Removal of Bromate with Ozone Activated Carbon in Drinking Water Treatment