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  • calcium bromide
  1. 另外,选用一定浓度的溴化钙溶液模拟孔隙流体,它与纯水的物理性质类似。

    Calcium bromide solution with proper concentration substitutes for the pore fluids .

  2. 葡萄糖酸钙溴化钙水体系的状态图

    The Ternary System of Calcium Gluconate Calcium Bromide Water

  3. 总体看来,溴化钙的氧化效果比溴化钠好。

    Overall , the oxidation of calcium brominate is better than brominate sodium .

  4. 利用封闭循环捕沫吸收装置,用活性氧化钙吸收空气吹出的初级溴,直接生产出液体溴化钙产品,能缩短生产过程,可较大幅度的降低其生产成本。

    The liquid calcium bromide is directly produced by active calcium oxide to absorb blown-out elementary bromine in the close recylce gathering Foam adsorption equipment . It can shorten the production process , and greatly reduce production cost by this method .