
  1. 背景:孤独症是一种发生在婴幼时期比较严重的生长发育障碍。

    BACKGROUND : Autism is a kind of severe growth and development disorder that occurs in the infant period .

  2. 营养不良可导致患儿住院频率增多、手术预后不良、生长发育障碍、死亡率增加。

    Malnutrition will result in more frequent hospitalization , worse operative prognosis , growth obstruct and higher mortality rate .

  3. 结论适量补充锰对镉中毒所致孕鼠生长发育障碍和肝、肾组织细胞损伤具有拮抗作用。

    Conclusion The adequate manganese supplement can antagonize the development disorder and cell damage in liver and kidney of rats induced by cadmium .

  4. 这提示腿的长度短和成人短腿身高比反应了儿童时期生长发育障碍。

    It has been suggested that short leg length and low leg-to-height ratio in adults reflect impaired growth during childhood ( 10 ) .

  5. [结论]无论是染色体数目异常还是染色体结构异常,都可导致先天畸形、智力低下、流产、不孕和生长发育障碍等。

    [ Conclusions ] The abnormal chromosome number or structure will result in congenital malformation , hypophrenia , abortion , infertility and growth obstruct .

  6. 结论:锌缺乏可使孕鼠体内抗氧化能力减弱,脂质过氧化反应增强,导致其生长发育障碍。

    Conclusion : Zn deficiency could result in decrease of antioxidation capacity and increase of lipid peroxidation and induce growth retardation of pregnant rats .

  7. 往往病程长,易反复,迁延难愈,导致患儿体质渐下,易引起营养不良、佝偻病、贫血、免疫力低下、生长发育障碍等,严重影响着儿童的健康成长和发育。

    It is likely to result in malnutrition , rickets , anaemia and hypoimmunity just because it often has the long course of disease , recurs and is difficult to recover , thus it greatly affects the health and growth of the children .

  8. 可能为胚胎期基因缺陷致骨骺生长层发育障碍。

    Gene defect during embryonic period may interfere the growth of osteoepiphysis .

  9. 土壤紧实是干旱半干旱地区土壤及设施土壤常见的一种现象,它已成为影响作物生长发育的障碍因子之一。

    Soil compaction stress , one of the common phenomenon in the soil of arid and semi-arid area and protected field , has become one problem effecting on the growth and development of crops .

  10. 本文探讨了轮作、连作大豆根系中酚、糖含量与产量的关系以及施肥克服连作对大豆生长发育的障碍效应。

    This study shows that continuous and rotation effects on the content of phenol of soybean root system and yield of soybean . Besides this , applying fertilizer overcomes obstruct of continous cropping for the growth and development of soybean .

  11. 结论:1、构建了生长发育迟缓智力障碍全基因组拷贝数变异(CNV)数据库。

    Established the Genomic Copy Number Variation Database of Growth and mental retardation .

  12. 收集了来自168个生长发育迟缓智力障碍患者共812个CNVs数据。

    It has collected 812 CNVs datas from 168 patients of Growth and mental retardation . 2 .

  13. 目的:1、建立生长发育迟缓智力障碍全基因组拷贝数变异(CNV)数据库2、分析拷贝数变异序列特征,对其形成机制进行初步研究。

    Objective : 1 . To establish a Genomic Copy Number Variation Database of Growth and mental retardation . 2 . To analyze the sequence features of Copy Number Variation in order to study their formation mechanism . Methods : 1 .