
shēng líng
  • the people;living things
生灵 [shēng líng]
  • (1) [the people]∶指人民;百姓

  • 荼毒生灵

  • (2) [living things]∶生物;有生命的东西

  • 草木生灵

  • 万物生灵蓬蓬勃勃,可谓生机万类了。--《太阳的光辉》

生灵[shēng líng]
  1. 全世界都盯着亚洲,把它看作未来万千生灵的乐土。

    All eyes are fixed upon Asia as the land of promise for the millions yet unborn .

  2. 所有的小生灵都躲在巢穴里冬眠

    All animals are smothered in their lairs .

  3. 我再一次在伟大的光、爱和所有生灵的矩阵(matrix)中向你致敬。

    I greet you once more on the great matrix of Light , of love , of all creation .

  4. 1973年,一家法国赛车杂志的记者克劳德佛里昂(claudevorilhon)宣称他曾被一只飞碟带走,并与飞碟里一个能说流利法语的绿色生灵共度了6天时光。

    In 1973 , Claude vorilhon , a correspondent for a French racing-car magazine , claimed to have been whisked away in a flying saucer , in which he had spent six days with a green chap who spoke fluent French .

  5. PequenoEditor出版社的编辑总监RaquelFranco表示:“我们之所以出版此书,是因为它亲切的传达了人类对所有生灵的尊重,但我们仍在探究如何将此推进至行为沟通层面有重大意义的事件。”

    Raquel Franco , the editorial director of Pequeno Editor , says they picked the book because , " It has an endearing message regarding the respect we owe to all living beings . But we were wondering how to take this message even deeper . We wanted to develop a powerful communication action with a metaphorical weight .

  6. 她温柔地抚摸这个小生灵,它马上就停止了挣扎。

    She caressed the creature gently , and it stopped struggling .

  7. 曾几何时,人类与海洋中的生灵唇齿相依。

    Once , man and those in the water were linked .

  8. 大海和其所有的生灵都臣服于我!

    The sea and all its spoils bow to my power !

  9. 那生灵开始与其周围的世界交往。

    The creature begins to interact with the world around it .

  10. 他还告诉他们多少天爱所有的生灵。

    He also told them how much Heaven loves all living things .

  11. 生物实验室重死去大多生灵之怨灵而重生。

    Biological laboratories heavy die mostly creatures of hatred spirit and rebirth .

  12. 像那些仅在夜里出世的生灵。

    Like creatures that only come out in the night .

  13. 我有讲过客人是个四腿生灵吗?

    Did I mention he had four legs ? Yes !

  14. 我不曾想,众多生灵遭此涂炭,罪魁是死亡。

    I had not thought death had undone so many .

  15. 有生灵期您相救。

    These are living creatures that want you to save their lives .

  16. 他们使我再次感受到:海洋是所有生灵的母亲。

    They reminded me that ocean is the mother of all creatures .

  17. 离开了父母的保护小生灵就会身陷

    Without the parent 's guidance , the offspring are at the mercy

  18. 写出的悲伤不是为了世上生灵,所以留下不深刻的痕迹。

    His griefs grieve on no universal bones , leaving no scars .

  19. 我希望每一个生灵都有自己的家。

    I want every creature to have a home of their own .

  20. 我期待的是文明,但他们比换生灵更糟糕。

    I ex-pected civilization , but they were worse than the changelings .

  21. 它不是自然界的一个生灵。

    It was not a creature of the natural world .

  22. 我的使命就是要拯救所有的生灵。

    My mission is to save all living things .

  23. 二十世纪的西方妇女确实是雌雄同体的生灵。

    Twentieth-century Western woman is truly an androgynous creature .

  24. 保护那些无助的生灵,以此为誓。

    Safegurad the helpless , that is your oath .

  25. 他是个足够得体的生灵,跟他的外表一样。

    He 's a decent enough beast as far as looks go . '

  26. 这令人怜悯的可悲生灵啊,你可知怎样才叫真正的生活?

    Pitiful creature of darkness , what kind of life has you known .

  27. 汉普特斯西斯公园是许多美丽生灵的家园。

    Hampstead heath is home to many fine creatures .

  28. 作弊者是被魔鬼操纵的生灵。

    The cheater is a creature ridden by demons .

  29. 我们也许都可以从这两个上帝创造的生灵上学习到点什么。

    We could all learn a lesson from these two creatures of God .

  30. 生灵万物皆有其尊重的价值。

    And that they are creatures to be respected .