
yǔ yī
  • raincoat;waterproof;mackintosh;slicker;Trenchcoat
雨衣 [yǔ yī]
  • [raincoat;mackintosh] 用不透水或抗水材料做的外衣,供雨中穿着

雨衣[yǔ yī]
  1. 他穿着一件系腰带的雨衣,使他发福的腰身更加显眼。

    He wore a belted raincoat that accentuated his portly middle

  2. 我的脸上、雨衣上处处湿淋淋的。

    My face and raincoat were soaking wet .

  3. 成群结队的法国和英国家庭穿着黄色塑料雨衣步履沉重地走来走去。

    Crowds of French and British families plodded around in yellow plastic macs .

  4. 她胳膊上搭着一件灰色雨衣。

    A grey mackintosh was folded over her arm

  5. 她穿着深红色华达呢雨衣。

    She wore her wine-coloured gaberdine raincoat .

  6. 我难得穿一次雨衣,因为大部分时间我都是呆在车里。

    I very rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car

  7. 上班时带上雨衣。

    Take your raincoat with you when you go to work .

  8. 这件雨衣是用非常耐用的料子做的。

    This raincoat is made of very durable material .

  9. 这件橡皮雨衣脱胶了。

    The rubber of this raincoat has disintegrated .

  10. 雨水湿透了我的雨衣。

    The rain has gone through my raincoat .

  11. 我没料到会下这样大的雨,没穿雨衣,浑身都湿透了。

    I had not bargained for such heavy rain , and got very wet without a coat .

  12. 出发前,一定要准备好暖和的衣服和雨衣,以防万一!

    Before you set out , always get warm clothes and raincoats ready , just in case !

  13. Sam想把这件雨衣退了,再换一件皮衣。Iwanttoreturnitandgetleather!

    Sam : I want to return it and get leather !

  14. ponchos:斗篷,雨衣,穗饰披巾我在ToryBurch店里看风衣。

    I 'll be at Tory Burch , looking at ponchos . -

  15. AcneStudios的防水装显得既新颖别致又称心如意,尤其是带格子粘合衬的拉链款蓝色橡胶雨衣。

    At Acne Studios , the waterproofs were fresh and desirable , particularly a blue zip-up mac with a bonded plaid lining .

  16. 在分类帐的确信边上,苹果本身宣布它将会讨论雨衣操作系统X技术的发展,包括它送帐单如雨衣操作系统X豹的一个事先查看的。

    On the sure side of the ledger , Apple itself announced that it will discuss developments in Mac OS X technologies , including what it bills as a preview of the Mac OS X Leopard .

  17. 比如说,有人问一台iPhone4S:“我今天需要带雨衣吗?”手机会回答说:“今天看起来是要下雨的样子。”

    For example , when asked " Do I need a raincoat today ? " the device will respond , " It sure looks like rain today . "

  18. 如果把雨衣退掉,Sam还需要50美金去买一件皮衣。

    Sam : I hate this raincoat . Mona : All right , how much is a leather jacket ? Sam : If I return this raincoat , I only need another $ 50 .

  19. 产品说明:WEALD航海雨衣套装,全面设计围绕航海作业的实际运作而订。

    Decription : WEALD navigating suit is designed according to the practical needs of navigation .

  20. 真丝也是品牌展露心迹的方式——诸位看看汤姆•福特(TomFord)推出的淡紫色燕尾服外套(售价2000英镑)以及巴宝莉-珀松(BurberryProrsum)推出的发亮款蓝色雨衣(售价1895英镑)便一清二楚了。

    Silk is also one way to make a statement - see Tom Ford 's lilac tuxedo jacket ( £ 2000 ) , main picture , or Burberry Prorsum 's blue metallic raincoat ( £ 1895 ) .

  21. 塑料杯、雨衣、羹匙、玩具、手表

    A plastic cup , raincoat , spoon , toy , wrist-watch

  22. 就该穿上雨衣带把伞。

    I should put on my raincoat and bring an unbrella .

  23. 快去追你父亲,他忘了带雨衣。

    Run after your father , he 's forgotten his raincoat .

  24. 在(衣服)上开长缝作装饰剪绒镶饰方格布雨衣

    Make long narrow cuts in ( a garment ) for ornament

  25. 穿上你的雨衣。天要下雨了。

    Put on your waterproofs . It 's going to rain .

  26. 正在下着倾盆大雨。穿上你的雨衣外面下着大雨。

    Put on your rain coat & it 's pouring outside !

  27. 正在下雨&你最好带上雨衣。

    It 's raining & you 'd better take your mac .

  28. 他穿上雨衣,步进风雨中。

    He put on his raincoat and stepped into the rainstorm .

  29. 他带了雨衣,怕下雨。

    He took his raincoat with him lest it should rain .

  30. 艺术经纬:身上穿着透明雨衣?

    Editor : Is this a transparent raincoat on the man ?