
  • 网络rain-gauge;rain gauge;raingauge
  1. 订正后的精度接近于坑式雨量器的测量精度。

    The adjusted accuracy is close to that of pit gauge ;

  2. 该文提出了横向雨量器的设计原理。

    The description of design principles of horizontal gauge is presented .

  3. 固态存储雨量器观测资料的误差分析

    Error Analysis of the Observed Data with the Solid Rain - accumulating Guage

  4. 超声风温仪测温的误差订正横向雨量器的设计及由风引起的降水测量误差订正

    Design of horizontal gauge and correction of wind-caused errors of precipitation measurements using horizontal precipitation

  5. 介绍滑坡监测的常用方法及仪器,详细分析了倾斜仪、应变测量计、水压测量仪及翻斗式雨量器的原理。

    The conventional methods and instrumentations for landslide activity monitoring were introduced including the principles of inclinometers , extensometers , piezometers and rain gauges .

  6. 对一种高精度、高稳定性的数字式雨量传器的设计原理、构造、关键技术及其技术性能进行了深入的探讨。

    In this research paper , we further explore some functions such as layout , constitution and crucial technology of the digital rain gauge .