
  • Wang Ning;Ning Wang;Ning Wong;Nick Wang
  1. 王宁:我觉得您这个观点是极为重要的。

    WN : I think this point is critically important .

  2. 王宁:首先,科斯教授,祝您生日快乐!

    WN ( Wang Ning ): First of all , happy birthday , professor Coase .

  3. 王宁教授相信,中国汉字标准应该与时俱进。

    Professor Wang Ning believes that the standard of Chinese characters should be updated with time .

  4. 杨丹;王宁;叶建明;

    Yang Dan et al .

  5. 王宁:根据您的经验,如果学会要办一个期刊,您觉得该怎么做?

    WN : Based on your experience , what should the Society do if it launches a new journal ?

  6. 文献发掘与学术史的研究问题&兼谈王宁先生有关学术史研究的一些看法“古学复兴”与梁启超的清代学术史研究

    The basic priciples of the study on the academic history of Chinese philology Classical Literature Renaissance and Liang Qichao 's Academic History

  7. 王宁认为,消费文化是后现代消费社会特有的产物,与现代主义的精英文化有着明显的差别;

    Wang Ning holds that as a product of postmodern consumer society , consumer culture distinguishes itself apparently with the elitist modern culture .

  8. 一部体系科学、内容新颖而又充实的训诂学教材&评王宁先生主编的《训诂学》

    A Good Teaching Material with a Scientific System , Novel and Rich Contents & Book Review : the Chinese Exegetics Edited by professor Wang Ning ;

  9. 王宁先生《训诂学原理》总结的汉语词(?)发生和积累的阶段性理论,是本文的理论基础。

    Mr Wang , Exegetical Principles , summarized the moment theory with the occurrence and accumulation of Chinese vocabulary which is the basis for this article .

  10. 王宁:您多次提到您不喜欢“科斯经济学”这个词,更倾向于直接称为“正确的经济学”或者“好的经济学”。

    RC : The bad or wrong economics is what I called the " blackboard economics " . It does not study the real world economy .

  11. 后入北京师范大学中文系博士后流动站师从王宁教授从事汉语研究;

    Then he spent another two years doing a postdoctoral project in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature , BNU , under the supervision of Professor Ning WANG .

  12. 王宁:很多中国人想要问您的第二个问题是,您觉得其他的国家能从中国的市场经济转型的实践中学习些什么?

    WN : The second question many Chinese have in mind for you is , what you think other countries can learn from the Chinese experience of market transformation ?

  13. 王宁教授不仅是中国当代著名的文学理论批评家、文化研究者和比较文学研究者,而且在翻译研究领域也是一位不可或缺的显著人物。

    Wang Ning is not only a prominent literary critic , cultural researcher and comparative literature researcher in contemporary China , but also an indispensable and notable figure in Translation Studies .

  14. 新闻联播节目主持人王宁下班后骑摩托车回家,车子后面带着他的女友,娇小玲珑的少儿节目主持人刘纯燕。

    Wang-Ning , News network host hastened home by motorcycle after work . , his girlfriend Liu-Chunyan sat behind him on the pillion , who was dainty and cute children program hostess .

  15. 在《同源字典》相关同源字分组的基础上,根据王力先生关于同源字的鉴别标准和系联方法,并结合王宁先生关于同源词分析的理论,对四组同源字进行了考察。

    Based on the methods used by Wang Li 's Dictionary of Paronyms and the " etymologic meaning " theory by Wang Ning , four groups of paronyms will be analyzed in this paper .

  16. 沈志远去查王宁案子,案子越来越复杂,沈志远渐渐发现自己怀有乌托邦梦想的体制,似乎存在很大问题。

    Shen Zhiyuan went to check the case of Wang Ning , and saw it was more and more complex , Chen Zhiyuan gradually found his dream of utopian system seemed to be a big problem .