
wánɡ tài hòu
  • queen mother
王太后 [wáng tài hòu]
  • [queen mother] 在位君主的母亲

  1. 伊丽莎白王太后出席1937年丈夫乔治六世国王(KingGeorgeVI)和1953年女儿伊丽莎白女王(QueenElizabeth)的加冕礼时,头上佩戴的王冠就镶嵌了光之山钻石。

    The diamond was in the crown worn by the Queen Mother at the coronation of her husband King George VI in 1937 and again at Queen Elizabeth 's coronation in 1953 .

  2. 正值王太后用餐时,新教徒们冲了进去要求伸张正义。

    While the Queen Mother was eating dinner , Protestants burst in to demand justice .

  3. 他们为当了王太后的伊丽莎白女王举行了一个茶话会。

    They gave a tea party for Queen Elizabeth the queen mother .

  4. 爱德华吻了王太后玛丽的手。

    Edward kissed Queen Mary 's hand .

  5. 伊丽莎白王太后起来了吗?

    Is Queen Elizabeth up yet ?

  6. 每当置身于军人或赛马人士之中,王太后明显地感到其乐融融。

    It is when surrounded by military or racing types that the Queen Mother obviously enjoys herself .

  7. 一张真实的照片透露出,英国王太后伊丽莎白也是个左撇子。

    Another lefty , as has been revealed by a candid photo , is Britain 's Queen Mother Elizabeth .

  8. 爱?玛丽王太后喊道,你是国王!你首先要爱自己的国家!

    ' Love ? 'Queen Mary shouted . 'You 're a King ! You must love your country first ! '

  9. 哈里王子的资金是从戴安娜王妃和王太后那里继承的2000万英镑信托基金。

    Prince Harry 's money comes from a £ 20million inherited trust fund from Princess Diana and the Queen Mother .

  10. 现在这颗钻石仍嵌在伊丽莎白王太后的王冠上,这顶王冠在2002年王太后的葬礼上被放置在她的棺木之上。

    It remains in the Queen Mother 's crown , which sat atop her coffin at her funeral in 2002 .

  11. 撒切尔将享有带有军事礼仪的礼仪葬礼,礼遇同王太后和戴安娜一样。

    She will have a full ceremonial funeral with military honours as was afforded to the Queen Mother and Lady Diana .

  12. 爱德华分别在1952年乔治国王去世时,及1961年王太后玛丽去世时,回温莎待过几天。

    When King George died in 1952 and Queen Mary died in 1961 , Edward returned to Windsor for a few days .

  13. 据《每日邮报》报道,这只13岁的柯基犬名叫蒙蒂,曾是女王母亲王太后的爱宠。它于上周末去世。

    Monty , 13 , who originally belonged to the Queen Mother , died over the weekend , the Daily Mail reported .

  14. 王太后一生经历了整个20世纪,却从来没有自己挂过一次卧室窗帘。

    The Queen Mother lived through the whole of the20th century without once having to open or draw her bedroom curtains herself .

  15. 撒切尔将享有带有军事礼仪的“礼仪葬礼”,礼遇同王太后和戴安娜一样。

    She will have a " full ceremonial funeral " with military honours as was afforded to the Queen Mother and Lady Diana .

  16. 这颗宝石曾被镶上到不同皇冠之上,直到它在的英国最近的一位王太后&伊丽莎白的加冕皇冠上永久的安家。

    It circulated through the British crown jewels until finding a home in the coronation crown of Elizabeth , Britain 's most recent Queen Mother .

  17. 皇室成员的排名也相当靠前,英女王、戴安娜王妃、维多利亚女王、王太后和伊丽莎白一世均位于前20以内。

    Royals fared well , with the Queen , Princess Diana , Queen Victoria , the Queen Mother and Elizabeth I all in the top 20 .

  18. 本周天,《邮报》的一项族谱调查发现,这对著名的情侣的确是远方亲戚,并与15世纪后期的祖先王太后有关联。

    A genealogical investigation by The Mail on Sunday has found that the famous pair are actually distant cousins , related through a late 15th-century ancestor of the Queen Mother .

  19. 已故泰国王太后的行宫花园,这位深受当地人爱戴的王太后晚年时候致力于鼓励当地的人栽种农作物及花朵,放弃栽种鸦片。

    Doi Tung Royal Garden is built by the late King 's mother , she is most love by the local for her devoteness in encouraging them in giving up opium planting in planting the flowers and crops .

  20. 萨里郡威特莱的爱德华国王学校的校长罗德尼福克斯,对王太后的一次到访赞誉有加。王太后是该校的董事长,每年都在圣詹姆斯宫请学生们喝茶。

    Rodney fox , the headmaster of King edward 's school in witley , surrey , is typical in his praise of a visit from the queen mother , who is president of the school and entertains pupils to tea at St james 's every year .

  21. “你知道自己在做什么吗?”王太后问,“向窗外看看吧。宫殿外有4亿人叫你国王。他们需要你。而你却要为了辛普森夫人抛弃这一切?”

    Do you know what you are doing ? 'the Queen asked . ' Look out of that window . Outside this palace there are 400 000 000 people who call you King . They need you . And you will leave all this for Mrs Simpson ? '

  22. 这在耶哥尼雅王和太后,太监,并犹大,耶路撒冷的首领,以及工匠,铁匠都离了耶路撒冷以后。

    After that Jeconiah the king , and the queen , and the eunuchs , the princes of Judah and Jerusalem , and the carpenters , and the smiths , were departed from Jerusalem ;

  23. 王上18:20亚哈就差遣人招聚以色列众人、和先知、都上迦密山。回答说,我们是亚哈谢的弟兄,现在下去要问王和太后的众子安。

    So Ahab sent a message among all the sons of Israel and brought the prophets together at Mount Carmel . And they answered , We are the brethren of Ahaziah ; and we go down to salute the children of the king and the children of the queen .