
  • 网络social education;socialization education
  1. 明代山东妇女与社会教化

    Social Education of Women in Shandong during the Ming Dynasty

  2. 旌表孝悌是唐宋两代社会教化的重要方面。

    Commendation for filial piety is very important to the social education in Tang and Song periods .

  3. 第五章系统考察了社会教化中的两个特殊的群体。

    Chapter five centres on two special groups in social edification .

  4. 宋元之际江南书院社会教化的研究

    On the Masses Cultivation of Jiangnan Academies between Song and Yuan Dynasties

  5. 汉代社会教化模式探析

    Exploration on the Mode of Social Edification in Han Dynasty

  6. 清前期社会教化研究

    A Study of Social Edification in the Earlier Stage of Qing Dynasty

  7. 梁代隐士影响社会教化的渠道

    The Channels of Impacting Social Moralization by the Hermit in Liang Dynasty

  8. 明清劝善书的社会教化思想研究

    Researching on Social Civilizing Idea of Morality Books in Ming and Qing Dynasty

  9. 从徽州谱牒中的族规家训看其社会教化效应

    The Social Enlightening Effect of the Huizhou Family Doctrines

  10. 沿革与流变:从古代社会教化到近代民众教育

    From the ancient social sermons to modern massive education

  11. 文化个性塑造的途径是社会教化和个体内化。

    Social instruction and individual internalization are the ways to mould cultural personality .

  12. 弘扬我国社会教化的传统加快学习型社会建设

    Promoting the Tradition of Social Edification and Accelerating the Construction of Learning Society

  13. 书院祭祀的教育及社会教化功能

    The Educational Function of the Sacrifice in Academy

  14. 民间识字课本中的教化意蕴&杂字与社会教化

    The Civilization Implication in Middle of Folk Literacy Textbooks Rhyming Verses and Social Cultivation

  15. 第四章重点讨论了通俗小说、地方戏曲作为一种知识和文化载体在社会教化中所扮演得举足轻重的角色。

    Chapter four emphasizes on the role of light literature and regional drama in social edification .

  16. 第二章,以日常读物和民间通俗文学作为载体,推行社会教化。

    Local government implemented the social enlightenment by the daily readings and popular literature as vectors .

  17. 清代善书的传播,在社会教化和稳定社会秩序方面发挥了积极的作用。

    The communication of morality books played an important role on civil-moral education and keeping social stability .

  18. 作为清政府钱粮基地的江南地区,是康熙帝实施社会教化的核心区域。

    As the government base of money and food , Jiangnan region was the central area of edification .

  19. 在这种背景下,王安石融合儒、道、佛三家学说,注重对人民实行社会教化。

    Under such background , Wang An-shi fused Buddhism , Taoism and Confucianism , paid attention to educate people with social cultivation .

  20. 这些措施保证了汉代社会教化的顺利实施,而且形成了为后代社会所继承的模式,从而对我国古代社会产生了深刻的影响。

    These measures ensured the implement of social edification , became a mode carried on by descendants , and deeply influenced the ancient China .

  21. 王安石的社会教化理论是王安石学术思想体系的重要组成部分,也是中国传统文化中宝贵的思想财富。

    Wang Anshi 's social civilizing theory is an important part of his academic thinking system and valuable thinking wealth in Chinese traditional culture .

  22. 清前期的社会教化是以儒家伦理为核心的儒、佛、道并存的教化体系。

    Social edification in the earlier stage of Qing Dynasty centres on Confucian ethic and is a entity of Confucianism , Buddha , Dao .

  23. 事实证明,和传统工业和农业不同的是,文化产业具有社会教化和经济增值的双重功效。

    Facts have proved that the cultural industry distinguishes the traditional industry and agriculture in its unique function of social education and economic value-added effect .

  24. 综合评价林行止专栏,从评论写作、媒介生态、社会教化和社会舆论方面挖掘林行止专栏评论的深刻意义。

    The author digs the connotation of Lin 's Column in commentary writing 、 news media environment 、 civilizing the society and public opinion aspects .

  25. 社会教化既是统治阶级维护封建政治秩序的需要,也是生命个体在社会上得以生存的需要。

    Social edification is necessary not only for rulers to keep their rule , but also for the unique human being to live in their society .

  26. 虽阎王判官小鬼只为传说虚妄,但其惩恶扬善的社会教化功用又为人们所称道。

    Though the legend of the Hades , adjudicator and ghost is unreal , the social moralization of rewarding virtue and punishing vice is commended by people .

  27. 再者,孟子的社会教化、环境熏陶以及自我修养的道德实现途径为今天公务员道德建设的路径也提供了借鉴和启示。

    Moreover , Mencius ' ways of realization of morality by the social enlightenment , environment edification and self-discipline also supply a reference for our present construction of official morality .

  28. 论文指出了这一时期教育思想、教育政策、学校教育、社会教化活动的重要特点及其向近代靠拢的趋势。

    The dissertation points out the important features such as educational thought , educational policy , school education , social enlightenment by education and their tendencies of closing up towards modern period .

  29. 本文在考察宋代日常读物繁荣的历史背景与原因的基础上,分别论述了蒙学读物、家训读物、宗教读物与社会教化的密切关系。

    Based on the investigation of historical background and reason of the popular literature , this article discusses the intimate relation between social education and literature of children , home and religions .

  30. 电视民生新闻评论正发挥越来越大的舆论监督、社会教化功能,在社会制度建设、个体道德引导方面的影响不容忽视。

    News review is playing its role in the public opinion , social function of education , social systems building , and individual ethics guidance and the impact can not be ignored .