
  • 网络socially necessary labour
  1. 天然气生产的社会必要劳动时间考察

    A Study of Socially Necessary Labour Time for Natural Gas Production

  2. 本文从供给和需求两个方面论述价值由两种含义的社会必要劳动共同决定,但价值创造只来自第一种含义的社会必要劳动,价值决定与价值实现是同时成立的;

    The authors are devoted to describing that value was commonly determined by the two kinds of implications of socially necessary labour from a view of supply and demand .

  3. 两重社会必要劳动时间与价值决定的多重均衡

    Multiple-balance of Necessary Labor Time in Dual Society and Value Measurement

  4. 论社会必要劳动时间对商品生产者的真正意义

    On the Real Meaning of Social Necessary Labour Time for Commodity Producers

  5. 生产函数的数据标准化和社会必要劳动

    Data Standardization of Production Function and Social Necessary Labor

  6. 社会必要劳动时间的第二重含义问题的终结

    " The dual meaning " ending of " social necessary labor time "

  7. 论供给价值和需求价值对商品价值量的现实决定&两种含义的社会必要劳动时间与商品价值量决定原理

    Determination of Magnitude of Commodity Value by Both Supply Value and Demand Value

  8. 两种社会必要劳动时间与价值价格理论

    Two Kinds of Socially Necessary Labor-time and Value-Price Theory

  9. 社会必要劳动时间的三维结构系统

    Three-layer Structure System of Social Necessary Labor Time

  10. 关于第二含义社会必要劳动时间的思考

    Analysis on the Necessary Labor Time ⅱ

  11. 论社会必要劳动时间与商品价值量的关系及其启示

    Discussion on the relationship between socially necessary labor time and commodity value and its enlightenment

  12. 个别劳动时间与社会必要劳动时间

    Individual labour-time and socially necessary labour-time

  13. 关于社会必要劳动时间以及劳动生产率与价值量关系问题的探讨

    Some Propositions on Socially Necessary Labor and the Relation between Labor Productivity and Magnitude of Value

  14. 如何计算商品中凝结的社会必要劳动时间?单位产品必要的劳动消耗量

    How to calculate the socially necessary labor time spent in the commodities ? unit manpower needs

  15. 社会必要劳动决定的社会价值是在整个社会范围内通过市场竞争形成的。

    The social value decided by social necessary labor is formed through competition in the whole society .

  16. 社会必要劳动时间具有多种含义,决定商品价值量的社会必要劳动时间是多种含义的统一。

    To understand the social necessary labor time involves a general grasp in the process of its logical formation .

  17. 把马克思的价值概念锁定在社会必要劳动时间上面是对《资本论》的误读。

    It is the misunderstanding of Capital to limit Marx 's concept of value to social necessary labor time .

  18. 关于社会必要劳动时间的含义,早在20世纪20年代初,原苏联的经济学界就有不同的看法。

    In the twenties of 20th century , there are many different apprehensions on the social necessary labor-time in Soviet .

  19. 在《资本论》中,马克思详细论述了社会必要劳动时间Ⅰ和社会必要劳动时间Ⅱ。

    In Das Kapital , Marx elaborated the socially necessary labor time I and the socially necessary labor time II .

  20. 目前的主要任务是发展价值的分配和社会必要劳动时间理论。

    The main task , now , is to develop the theory of distribution of value and socially necessary labor time .

  21. 高等教育结构主要分为地区结构、层次结构、学科及专业结构。社会必要劳动时间与高等教育结构之间存在着内在联系。

    The structure of higher education is mainly divided into local structure , level structure , subject structure and professional structure .

  22. 这是社会必要劳动时间含义问题上的长期存在分歧和争论的一个重要客观原因。

    This is one of the objective reasons for the long existing differences and arguments on the connotation of necessary social labor time .

  23. 部门价值考察的是一种商品价值的决定,主要分析两种涵义的社会必要劳动时间在价值决定中的作用以及劳动生产率与价值量之间的关系。

    Department value is the value of a kind of goods . The paper analyzes the functions of two meanings time on value .

  24. 精神商品没有平均劳动熟练程度和劳动强度,其社会必要劳动时间等于个别劳动时间。

    Intellectual labor has no average skilled degree and average intensity of labor , its social necessary laboring time equals particular laboring time .

  25. 只有三位一体地理解和运用社会必要劳动时间,才能体现它的完整含义与科学价值。

    We should pay more attention to dynamic meaning of social necessary labor time which is formed , changed and realized in many ways .

  26. 商品价值量的大小是不是由两种社会必要劳动时间来决定,始终象一个谜团一样,困扰着学术界。

    Whether the commodity value is decided by two kinds of socially necessary laber-time has always been a mystery which baffles the academic circles .

  27. 市场价格是商品价值的货币表现,决定于生产商品的社会必要劳动时间。

    Market pricing is a monetary demonstration of the value of goods , determined by the socially necessary time consumed when producing such goods .

  28. 更有甚者,有的认为马克思社会必要劳动时间不是多种含义,而是不同的两种或四种。

    Even someone consider the social necessary labor-time is not several meanings , but its own can be classified into two kinds or four kinds .

  29. 传统劳动价值论存在四大问题:一是社会必要劳动量难以计量;

    Four issues remain unresolved with the conventional theory on labor value : first , the necessary social labor is difficult to measure in quantity ;

  30. 两种社会必要劳动时间的争论,关系到如何理解供求在价值和价格理论中的地位。

    The dispute between two kinds of socially necessary labor time concerns how to understand the position of supply and demand in the value price theory .