
dǎ yóu shī
  • doggerel;ragged verse;goggerel
打油诗 [dǎ yóu shī]
  • [goggerel;ragged verses] 一种不拘平仄韵律、词句诙谐通俗的诗歌体裁

打油诗[dǎ yóu shī]
  1. 这首打油诗没有标明作者是谁。

    The doggerel doesn 't filiate itself .

  2. 他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗。

    He styled his poem doggerel .

  3. 她是我们班上的小诗人,只能作些打油诗。

    She is the minor poet of our class , composing only ragged verses .

  4. 我在这里给出了一首关于JSP脚本元素的打油诗(虽然有点不押韵),虽不太出名但非常切题。

    I include here , in spite of its awkward rhyme and stumbling meter , a little-known but apt limerick on the topic of JSP scripting elements .

  5. 他对Lear的打油诗和Swinburne的抒情诗的搭配分析实践了他关于研究限制性语言的一贯主张。

    His study of the collocations in limericks of Edward Lear and lyrics of Swinburne is one of his practices of his insistence on studying restricted language .

  6. 她写严肃题材的诗歌,但也喜欢创作打油诗。

    She wrote serious poetry , but also loved composing limericks .

  7. 不,我只是怕你再唱打油诗。

    No.I was just afraid you 'd sing another verse .

  8. 我回想起我以前常写给她的那些很有趣的打油诗。

    I recalled the charming nonsense verse I used to write her .

  9. 一首有趣的五行打油诗写无韵诗就像打网球时不用网一样。

    Writing unrhymed blank verse is like playing tennis without a net .

  10. 他曾经听过的一些一直在他脑海里浮现的无聊的打油诗。

    He had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind .

  11. 最有趣的是你自己填写五行打油诗的时候。

    Some of the best fun is in making up your own limericks .

  12. 利德贝特博士:那可能是有人开、开玩笑或者写了什么打油诗。

    There may have been a-a joke or a limerick of some kind .

  13. 有些人只是听不懂莫里哀的打油诗。

    Some people just don 't get Moliere parodies .

  14. 有谁愿意帮我填五行打油诗?

    Will someone please help me fill in the blanks in my limerick ?

  15. 我想写一首关于你的打油诗。

    I decided to write a limerick about you !

  16. 然后到图书馆或上网查找更多的打油诗。

    Then look in the library or on the Internet to find more limericks .

  17. 写英语打油诗娱乐一下,其实这是很简单的写作,给大家举个例子。

    Write a doggerel in English , and the following is a simple example .

  18. 我不喜欢收听商业电台,因为广告打油诗太多了。

    I don 't like listening ot commercial radio because there are so many jingles .

  19. 但从英文翻译看来,这也就是个打油诗。

    In English , it is doggerel .

  20. 这首诗的确是一首讽刺打油诗。

    The poem is really a burlesque .

  21. 他富于想象方,只几分钟就能写出1首五行打油诗。

    He is full of imagination and can knock off a limerick in a few minutes .

  22. 这个所谓诗作者主要写打油诗

    This rhymester has written mainly doggerel

  23. 谢默斯·希尼、玛丽欧玛列和泰德·休斯都曾为这些生灵写过优美的打油诗。

    Seamus Heaney , Mary O'Malley and Ted Hughes have all devoted elegant doggerel to these creatures .

  24. 在创作的早期,戴维斯就已决定不在漫画里使用打油诗,或玩弄文字游戏。

    Early on , Davis decided against using any rhyming jokes or plays on words in the cartoon .

  25. 你用看待你谜语诗和打油诗的态度看待这些诗吗?

    Interviewer : Do you see these poems in a similar light to your riddles and games poems ?

  26. 传统的五行打油诗可以看作是民间诗歌,这种打油诗通常内容粗俗,所以仅仅流传于口头。

    The traditional limerick , which is usually off color and hence circulated orally , could be considered folk poetry .

  27. 他到墙角罚站,向同学做鬼脸,还在墙上写打油诗。

    Sent to stand in the corner , he makes faces for his classmates and writes a lament on the wall .

  28. 所以妞宝宝在博客上发表的打油诗创作虽新,但该诗体的历史还是源远流长的。

    So , little girl baby in a blog published doggerel creation is new , but the verse of the history or the long-standing .

  29. 他喜欢用一连串自创的打油诗来描述自己的生活(比如他的短诗“Me!Wheeeeee!”),和他的拳头一样,他的语言同样饶有趣味。

    He entertained as much with his mouth as with his fists , narrating his life with a patter of inventive doggerel . ( " Me ! Wheeeeee ! " )

  30. 分析的结果显示,鉴于打油诗丰富的文化和社会内涵,以及其独特的语法结果,它们完全可以作为补充材料用于对外汉语教学。

    It further suggests that they be applied in teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language ( CFL ) for their rich cultural and social contents in addition to their unique linguistic styles .