
  1. 利用SWOT分析工具,进行战略定位,提出民办普通高等学校如何打造核心竞争力的战略制定及选择。

    And with SWOT analysis tool , it also presents the strategic establishment and selection of how Chinese non-governmental colleges and universities create their core competency in the higher education market .

  2. CRM的实施本身是一个庞大复杂的系统工程,必须做好综合评价,始终贯彻以客户为中心的管理理念,为打造核心竞争力服务。

    Because CRM is a complicated system , during the application , we must do comprehensive evaluation and carry out the management concept of focusing on customers and serve for creating corporation 's core-competition .

  3. 如何应对国内外竞争对手的挑战,如何增强自身竞争优势,打造核心竞争力,是GX公司迫切需要解决的战略性问题。

    The strategy problem what GX company ( hereinafter called GX company ) urgently needs to solve is how to strengthen its own competitive advantages and to build up its core competence to meet the challenges from the rivals .

  4. 民营客运企业如何打造核心竞争力

    How to Improve the Core Competitiveness of Private Passenger Transport Enterprises

  5. 包装企业打造核心竞争力的途径探析

    Discussion on the Ways to Create Packaging Enterprises ' Core Competence

  6. 正是在这种背景下,近年来各个电视频道都在努力打造核心竞争力。

    Each television channel is creating core competencies in effort in recent years .

  7. 论中国文化产业的可持续发展:打造核心竞争力&中国文化产业竞争力评价理论研究

    On Sustainable Development of China 's Cultural Industry : Building the Core Competence

  8. 打造核心竞争力推进可持续发展

    To Promote Sustainable Development with Key Competitiveness

  9. 最后提出云岭路桥以培育打造核心竞争力为手段的发展战略实施方案。

    Finally , Yunling bridge to foster competition as a means to build the core development strategy implementation .

  10. 实现企业自主创新,关键在于打造核心竞争力,提升企业自主发展的创新能力。

    The key of corporate independent innovation is to create core competitiveness , promote creativity for corporate independent development .

  11. 打造核心竞争力的关键因素是品牌、产品、渠道、服务等。

    To build the core competitiveness of the key factors is the brand , product , channel , or service .

  12. 前言:目的:为我国药店有效地满足顾客需求和打造核心竞争力提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To give advice for drugstores on how to meet customers'demands effectively and build core competitive power in China .

  13. 企业绿色文化的建设是21世纪企业打造核心竞争力的重要内容。

    The construction of green corporate culture is one important aspect to lead corporations to build core competence in the21st century .

  14. 文章最后还强调,企业在打造核心竞争力过程中,要有动态意识。

    The article finally also stressed , the enterprise in makes in the core competitive power process , must have the dynamic consciousness .

  15. 因此,为促进我国证券业的进一步国际化,必须立足国内,完善券商法人治理结构,打造核心竞争力,走集团化证券公司发展之路。

    Therefore , to improve the further internationalization of China 's SM , the governance structures of the securities firms should be perfected .

  16. 医疗质量管理是一项综合管理工程,是医院打造核心竞争力的重要方面。

    The medical quality management is not only comprehensive management engineering , but also the important side of constructing the hospital core competence .

  17. 建设优秀的城市文化,是提高管理水平、增强凝聚力和打造核心竞争力的战略举措。

    Constructs the outstanding civic culture , is raises the management level , the enhancement cohesive force and the making core competitiveness strategic action .

  18. 塑造医院文化、建立发展远景、打造核心竞争力、分配医疗资源是现代医院领导者角色的重要演绎。

    The key capacities of hospital leader were hospital vision design , hospital culture establishment , hospital core competence enhancement and the medical resources allocation .

  19. 实施供应链管理环境下的库存管理研究是现代医药企业打造核心竞争力的重要手段。

    The research of implementation of inventory with the background of supply chain management is an important mean for modern pharmaceutical enterprises to create core competitiveness .

  20. 依靠人才优势打造核心竞争力进而塑造强势品牌必将是今后房地产企业生存发展的重要手段之一。

    From now on the survival and progress of a real estate enterprise will mainly depend on developing the core competitive strength by the talents and making strong brand .

  21. 全面风险管理体系是现代商业银行有效运行的基础,是提升银行价值创造力、打造核心竞争力的保障。

    Overall risk management system is the basis of efficient running for bank , and is also guarantee of upgrading value creativity and building core competition ability for bank .

  22. 员工培训已经成为企业培养高素质员工和打造核心竞争力的重要手段,员工培训直接影响到员工的素质和工作绩效并进而影响企业整体竞争力。

    Training for employees is a key way for enterprises to develop qualified staff , which will affect the quality and achievements of staff hence will have influence on business .

  23. 而企业要提高经济效益、打造核心竞争力,建立、健全内部控制体系是势在必行且迫在眉睫的一环。

    For setting up and improving the internal control system , it is imperative and imminent for the enterprises to improve enterprise 's economic benefits and its own competitive capability .

  24. 研究资源营销的相关理论,对现代企业在日益激烈的竞争中打造核心竞争力,建立竞争优势具有着重要的实践指导意义。

    The research resources theory could makes the core competitive ability to the modern enterprise in day by day the intense competition , the establishment competition superiority has the practice instruction significance which emphatically wants .

  25. 在医院核心价值观、医院文化建设、优势学科和特色技术建设、人事分配制度改革、质量持续改进、提升服务品质以及卫生经济和后勤服务体系建设等方面创新管理,打造核心竞争力。

    To establish the core competition , measures such as core value , culture , advanced subject and technology , personnel and distribution system reform , continues quality improvement and health economic research should be strengthened .

  26. 本文从扎稳主营业务、打造核心竞争力、拓宽互联网业务、联营网络运营商、关注智能光网络五个方面分析、阐述了有线网络干线传输业务发展趋向。

    This article mainly analyzes the movement of CATV trunk network operation from five aspects - main tasks , kernel competitions , expand internet actives , associate with the network managers and attention intelligent ray - network .

  27. 个人作为组织知识的最根本来源,是组织打造核心竞争力的基础,了解个人知识如何有效地向组织转移具有重要的现实意义。

    As the fundamental source of the organization knowledge , individual is the base of building the core competitiveness of the organization . So understanding how the individual effectively transfer the know to the organization is significant on reality .

  28. 从短期来看,如何在车型投产之前科学地选择供应商、制定批量价格是控制整车成本和质量、打造核心竞争力的关键所在。

    Considering the short term target , how to wisely choose supplier and set the series price before new carline launches , is the key point to control the cost and quality of car and to establish core competitiveness .

  29. 尽管如此,凤凰卫视在打造核心竞争力方面的有益探索和成功经验,对我国电视传媒的改革与发展依然具有积极的借鉴作用。

    In spite of this , in the aspect of making the core competence , the beneficial exploration and the success experience of Phoenix Satellite Television still has some positive enlightens to our country 's television media reform and development .

  30. 本文研究了大学核心竞争力在不同层次上的体现,提出了多种打造核心竞争力的方法与技术,并探讨了在当前形势下提升核心竞争力的保障措施。

    This article focuses on the presentations of university core competitiveness at different levels , and proposes the methodology and techniques of forming core competitiveness , and points out the protective measures for lifting up core competitiveness under current situations .