
  1. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)CEO杰夫•伊梅尔特、杜邦(Dupont)CEO柯爱伦和中国石化CEO傅成玉均赞成这样一点,那就是,中国需要更严格的环保标准,同时制实施。

    General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt , DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman , and Fu all agreed that China needs tougher environmental standards and ones that are enforced .

  2. 有人曾在2004年目睹中国能源巨头中海油(中国海洋石油总公司,CNOOC)的董事长兼首席执行官傅成玉到访过该地。

    Fu Chengyu , Chairman and CEO of China 's energy giant China National Offshore Oil Corporation ( CNOOC ) is seen here in2004 .

  3. 傅成玉成名于其执掌规模较小的中海油的时期,由于美国国会的反对,中海油在2005年未能收购美国石油公司优尼科(Unocal)。

    Mr Fu made his name as head of smaller state-owned oil group Cnooc , when it failed in 2005 to buy US crude company Unocal due to Congressional opposition .

  4. 中石化董事长傅成玉已就爆炸事故进行了道歉。

    Sinopec 's board chairman , Fu Chengyu , has apologized for the accident .

  5. 中海油总经理傅成玉表示,这一协议有助于公司获得更为清洁的能源以支持中国经济发展。

    Cnooc President Fu Chengyu said the agreement will help the company secure cleaner energy to support China 's economic development .

  6. 傅成玉在香港的中海油业绩发布会上表示:国际媒体上有很多评论,说我们承担着比其它石油公司更大的风险。

    There were a lot of comments in the international media saying we were taking greater risks than other oil firms .

  7. 中海油董事长兼首席执行官傅成玉坚称,中海油和其它国际石油集团承担着同样的风险。

    Fu Chengyu , chairman and chief executive , insisted his company was taking the same risks as other international oil groups .

  8. 在2012年尼克森交易完成时,傅成玉已按照政府轮换国企高管的政策被调往中石化。

    By the time the Nexen deal closed in 2012 , Mr Fu had transferred to Sinopec in keeping with a Chinese policy of shuffling executives among state-owned companies .

  9. “这个事件严重损害了中国石化集团的形象,损害了公司业务。”中国石化集团公司董事长傅成玉在周一的记者会上表示。

    " The scandal has greatly destroyed Sinopec 's image and resulted in harm to the company 's business ," Sinopec chairman Fu Chengyu said at a press conference on Monday .

  10. 据知情人士介绍,中石化董事长傅成玉本周在美国俄克拉荷马州,此行与针对切萨皮克资产的尽职调查有关。

    Fu Chengyu , head of Sinopec , was in Oklahoma in the US this week in connection with due diligence on the Chesapeake assets , according to people familiar with the move .

  11. 傅成玉表示,来自23个国家的约27家公司参加了10月17日或18日在北京召开的会议,不过他拒绝透露与会的公司名称。

    Mr Fu said that about 27 companies from 23 countries attended the meeting in Beijing , which he said was on October 17 or 18 , though he declined to name those present .

  12. 今春在政府指示的人员调动中,中海油董事长傅成玉调任中石化董事长,而中石化总经理苏树林被提拔至福建省政府高层。

    In a state-directed reshuffle this spring , Fu Chengyu , CNOOC chairman , was appointed chairman of Sinopec , while Su Shulin , Sinopec president , was promoted to a political role in Fujian Province .

  13. 傅成玉表示:如果油价处于50美元或55美元左右的水平,这将意味着,未来一两年,国有石油公司将取消至少60%已列入预算的项目。

    If the oil price remained around $ 50 or $ 55 , that would mean cutting at least 60 per cent of budgeted projects for the next one or two years from the national oil companies , Mr Fu said .